One-Act Play Festival being performed this weekend at KCKCC

by Kelly Rogge

If you are in need of some theatrical entertainment, you do not have to go far.

The 2014 Kansas City Kansas Community College Student One-Act Play Festival will be presented Friday and Saturday.

This year’s festival is offering a retelling of three favorite scripts from years past. In “MajorDomo,” by Chris Wilson and David Ruis, an estranged husband and wife attempt to reconcile in the arena of slam poetry set in a smokey jazz club. “Marked,” by Hiram Williams, is a tribute to the film noir world of detectives, missing diamonds and dames. Finally, “In Case of Zombies” by Brian Ramsay, focuses on a cabin in the woods where five students think they are all set for a weekend of camping and fun.

Evening performances of the plays are at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday at the KCKCC Performing Arts Center, 7250 State Ave. There is also a matinee performance at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, April 13.

Tickets are $7 for adults and $5 for non KCKCC Students and senior citizens. KCKCC students, faculty and staff can get free admission by showing a KCKCC ID card at the door.

This is an evening of adult-type fare. Strong language and adult language are included in these one-act plays. This is not a good event for children, according to the event organizers.

For more information, call Charles Leader at 913-288-7106 or send an email to [email protected].