UG standing committees to meet tonight

Unified Government standing committee meetings are scheduled to start at 5 p.m. Monday, May 18, at City Hall, 5th floor conference room, Suite 515, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kan.

Usually, items are discussed at the Standing Committee meeting, and are later considered again at the UG Commission meeting level.

On the agenda for the Public Works and Safety Committee Standing Committee:

• A resolution to approve a cooperative agreement with Mid-America Regional Council to fund operations of the Operation Green Light Traffic Control System for 2015-2016,

• A resolution approving an agreement with Overland Park, Kan., for public improvements on Merriam Lane, West 36th to 24th streets. The UG initiated this project and is expected to pay all costs.

• An overview of programs and possible options available for Wyandotte County residents in dealing with the problem of the emerald ash borer, affecting all ash trees in the metropolitan area.

• An update about work accomplished by the Animal Control Oversight Committee and goals for the next 12-18 months.

On the agenda for the Administration and Human Services Committee, scheduled for 5:30 p.m. Monday, May 18:

• Request to subcontract with the Community Health Council, which is partnering with KDHE through a CDC grant on a project to prevent obesity, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

• Authorize staff to move forward to amend the zoning code to allow short-term food trucks based on an administrative review, requested by commissioners.

• Authorize staff to move forward to amend the zoning code to require a special use permit or other limitations on new “dollar” stores, requested by Mayor Mark Holland.

• Authorize staff to move a code amendment to the Planning Commission to require a special use permit for automotive-related uses not associated with a new car dealer, including used car sales, used tire sales or tire services, auto mechanics and auto body repairs.

• Request an amendment to the floodplain ordinance to change the dates of the UG-approved flood maps in order to maintain eligibility for disaster relief.

• Request an amendment to the allowed residential accessory ordinance due to issues arising for a activities within the Hanover Heights neighborhood.

• Update on urban billboard removal following passage of the ordinance allowing digital billboards.

• Presentation of measurable goals for the Urban Planning and Land Use Department.

• Presentation of measurable goals for the following departments: Emergency Management, Human Resources and UG Clerk’s office.

• Appearance of Murray Anderson requesting consideration be given to amend the UG Charter to allow citizens the opportunity to present any subject matter before a public forum and a standing committee, or both.

• Appearance of Commissioner Ann Murguia and several doctors recommending amendments to the smoking ordinance to prohibit the use of electronic cigarettes in designated places.