BPU elects officers

New officers were elected at the Board of Public Utilities meeting Wednesday night. (Photo by William Crum)
New officers were elected at the Board of Public Utilities meeting Wednesday night. (Photo by William Crum)

by William Crum
Robert Milan Sr. was elected president of the board at the Board of Public Utilities meeting Wednesday night.

Other new officers include Tom Groneman, vice president; and Jeff Bryant, secretary.

Robert Milan Sr.
Robert Milan Sr.

After elections, an energy efficiency update presentation was made by Patrice Townsend, who spoke about ways the Board of Public Utilities is helping energy efficiency for the local homeowner.

”Currently there is a lot of interest in solar energy and we’re getting a lot of questions about it. We are also looking at ways to help the consumers save money. Did you know that we have more sun, believe it or not, than Phoenix, Ariz., does and we could possibly produce, using solar energy, more energy. This is according to energy.gov, the website,” Townsend said.

She estimated it would cost between $3,000 to $5,000 to equip a home to use solar energy.

Lori Austin gave a report on the first quarter financials and talked about how BPU is currently doing financially.