Two KCK students to share research as part of Developing Scholars program at K-State

Two Kansas City, Kan., students at Kansas State University will share their research as part of the Developing Scholars Program.

The students are Branden Brown, sophomore in computer engineering, Kansas City, Kan., “Implementation of Thin-film Transducers in Space-suits”; and Marco Loma-Jasso, freshman in mechanical engineering, Kansas City, Kan., “NextGen Air Traffic Control.”

The 15th annual Developing Scholars Program Research Poster Symposium will be held from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Sunday, April 19, in the K-State Student Union Ballroom. The event is free and open to the public.

The Developing Scholars Program, offered through the university’s Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry, provides undergraduate students opportunities to research projects with a faculty mentor. Students receive academic, social and financial support while participating in the discovery and creation of new knowledge at Kansas State University. Participating students are from the university’s Manhattan and Salina campuses.