Family of murder victim hopes for information leading to solving the case

Family and friends surrounded John Frishman, center, uncle of Jeff Rogers, and Nancy Euler, Jeff’s mother, seated left, at a seventh anniversary gathering of his death. The gathering was today at Wyandotte County Lake Park. (Staff photo)
Family and friends surrounded John Frishman, center, uncle of Jeff Rogers, and Nancy Euler, Jeff’s mother, seated left, at a seventh anniversary gathering of his death. The gathering was today at Wyandotte County Lake Park. (Staff photo)

On the seventh anniversary of Jeff Rogers’ death in a home invasion-type of crime, his family and friends gathered together today to remember him at Wyandotte County Lake Park.

Rogers was an outdoorsman who enjoyed fishing and other outdoor activities, John Frishman, his uncle, said.

Rogers was 25 when he died in a violent home burglary on April 9, 2008.

Frishman said the family wants to involve the media and the public in solving this case. There is a reward of about $9,000 in the case. Frishman said he would like to involve the national media.

Detective Kevin Boehm, who is working with the Crime Stoppers TIPS hotline, said while this is a cold case, it is still being investigated, and the police will continue to work on it. He said persons may call and make an anonymous tip to the TIPS hotline at 816-474-TIPS, and if the tip breaks the case, the person is paid in cash.

The homicide happened at 84th and Tauromee in Kansas City, Kan., Frishman said. Several people kicked the door in, Rogers fought and struggled, and then died of his injuries, he said. On his way to the hospital he was able to give some sort of description of the attackers, Frishman said.

Jeff Rogers’ mother, Nancy Euler, also was at today’s gathering, along with many family members and friends.

“The right thing to do would be to come forward and give this family some kind of closure,” Frishman said. While they say time heals all wounds, this will never go away, he said. “It won’t bring Jeff back.”

“Some day, something will come forward,” Frishman said.

A moment of silence was held for Jeff Rogers today at a memorial gathering at Wyandotte County Lake Park. (Staff photo)
A moment of silence was held for Jeff Rogers today at a memorial gathering at Wyandotte County Lake Park. (Staff photo)

Jeff Rogers
Jeff Rogers (Submitted photo)

Family and friends received hugs after a gathering to remember Jeff Rogers, the victim of a homicide seven years ago in Kansas City, Kan. Photos and mementos of Rogers were displayed today. (Staff photo)
Family and friends received hugs after a gathering to remember Jeff Rogers, the victim of a homicide seven years ago in Kansas City, Kan. Photos and mementos of Rogers were displayed today. (Staff photo)