Piper teacher honored as Kansas master teacher

Leslie McAfee, mathematics teacher at Piper High School in Kansas City, Kan., is one of seven master teachers in the state of Kansas who were honored at Emporia State University. (Photo from Piper schools)
Leslie McAfee, mathematics teacher at Piper High School in Kansas City, Kan., is one of seven master teachers in the state of Kansas who were honored at Emporia State University. (Photo from Piper schools)

Leslie McAfee, mathematics teacher at Piper High School in Kansas City, Kan., is one of seven master teachers in the state of Kansas who were honored at Emporia State University.

Emporia State University established the Kansas Master Teacher awards in 1954. The awards are presented annually to teachers who have served the profession long and well and who also typify the outstanding qualities of earnest and conscientious teachers.

Master teachers are invited to teach at Emporia State for part of a semester. The Bank of America funds the Master Teacher Award program.