Candidate questionnaire: Ashley Biondi

Name: Ashley Biondi
Office Sought: USD 203 Board of Education

Age: 30

Stay-at-home Mom
Part-time substitute teacher, USD 500
Former first grade teacher at T.A. Edison Elementary in USD 500, 2008-2014

Piper High School, 2002
University of Kansas, 2007; B.S.E. in Elementary Education and B.A. in Spanish
University of Kansas, 2010; M.S.E in Curriculum and Instruction

Organizations, clubs, groups to which you belong:
Member of St. Patrick’s Parish

Reasons for running:

I am a vested patron. I have two young daughters who will be attending the Piper Schools. One of the reasons we moved to Piper is for the quality schools. I want to be a part of maintaining the excellent education our students are receiving.
I was a teacher. Having been in the classroom, I know the hours teachers spend on meeting the needs of every child. I want to help the hardworking teachers and staff we have in our buildings.
I believe having quality schools is vital for our community. Providing a quality education for our children sets them up for success in life and helps them become active citizens. Also, having excellent schools keeps patrons in our community.

What is your top campaign issue?
I want to be an advocate for our students and staff to provide the best education. I am aware that space, curriculum resources, technology and professional development are concerns. The current Administration and Board have plans in place in regards to these. I will continue their momentum and always strive to improve the current situation. Also, with the recent funding legislation I want to make sure funds are being used wisely.

There may be budget constraints facing local governments and schools. If you had to make cuts, what would be at the top of the list to cut?
I want to make sure we are using funds efficiently. One specific program should not be singled out. There may have to be small cuts across the board. Every staff member is vital to running our schools. Since I have been in the classroom, I know how each person affects the lives of students including bus drivers, secretaries, teachers, administrators, custodians, nurses, food service staff, etc. In my opinion, reducing the staff would be the last resort.

If you are an incumbent, list your top accomplishments in office.
If you are not an incumbent, what would you change?

I would like more patrons to attend Board meetings each month and become informed on the issues affecting our students and community.

What is the difference, on the issues, between you and the other candidates running for this office?
My passion for education and my teaching experience sets me apart from the other candidates. I taught first grade for six years and know the time a school’s staff puts in each and every day. This is a very unique time for public education and it is important to have someone who understands and relates to the issues.

Have you run for elected office previously? When, results?
This is my first time running for an elected office.