KCKCC student group plans Catholic Mass

by Kelly Rogge
The Catholic Students of Kansas City Kansas Community College is planning a Celebration of Mass on March 23 (the first day after spring break) and is inviting all students, staff and faculty to attend.

The mass will be said by Archbishop Joseph Naumann, the archbishop of Kansas City, Kan. It will begin at 1 p.m. Monday, March 23, in Upper Jewell. Light refreshments will be served after the Mass, and there will also be an opportunity for a meet and greet with the archbishop. Bradley Herron, KCKCC student and the group’s coordinator said KCKCC is fortunate to have the archbishop attend.

“This will be a full Mass, but will be less than one hour,” he said. “Everyone is welcomed and encouraged to attend. You don’t have to be Catholic to attend.”

The group, which started last fall, is the first Catholic group on the KCKCC campus. Its purpose is to help all Catholic students have a place to connect, share their faith and discuss issues related to the Catholicism. And while the group is designed for Catholics, the group welcomes individuals from all religions, including the non-religious and irreligious, to come and learn about the Catholic faith. Everyone is welcome.

The group meets at 12:30 p.m. the second Wednesday of the month in Room 2325. Herron said it is a great way for people to spend time with others in the Catholic faith, especially if they are new to the area.

“There was a problem with students who were not from Kansas City not knowing where they could attend Mass,” he said. “I think that is the biggest reason why we wanted to have a group like this on campus. This is a benefit to so many because they can spend time with others on a spiritual level.”

For information on the Catholic Students of Kansas City Kansas Community College, contact the faculty adviser, Victor Ammons, at 913-288-7233 or by email at [email protected].

Kelly Rogge is the public information supervisor for Kansas City Kansas Community College.