PILOT fee resolution not approved

A resolution to approve a new residential class did not pass at the Thursday, Feb. 2, Unified Government meeting.

The resolution would have given the commission the authority to lower the PILOT fee for residents, while having a different rate for commercial and industrial customers.

The commission would not have been obligated to raise or lower the fee.

Instead the resolution was sent back to a task force chaired by Melissa Bynum.

The PILOT raises a little over a million dollars in revenues for the UG for every percentage point, according to UG officials.

Bynum said the task force was considering a proposal that would lower the fee for the needy.

Several residents asked the UG to lower the PILOT fee at the meeting.

Another item on the agenda concerning policies on the agendas also was pushed back on Wednesday.

Sent back to committee for review, during discussion, Mayor Tyrone Garner said Commissioner Andrew Davis could serve on any committee and that he wanted to have a discussion with him.

A straw poll of commissioners indicated their desire to send the issue to a Feb. 13 committee.