BPU plans budget review meeting Monday, Dec. 5

The Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Public Utilities will review the 2023 proposed budget during an all-day workshop to be held Monday, Dec. 5.

The workshop will begin at 8:30 a.m. Monday at the BPU administration building, 540 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.

The workshop will include budget reviews for all departments and divisions, including the election production; accounting and finance, general management, customer service, information technology, water, electric operations and electric supply divisions.

The final budget will be presented to the BPU board for approval during the Dec. 14 BPU board meeting, according to a BPU spokesman.

The public may access the meeting through the telephone to listen, and if they have access to the internet, they can click on a Zoom meeting to observe the meeting.

To join the Zoom meeting, persons may click on https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84523139724.

To join by telephone, call toll-free 1-888-475-4499.

The meeting ID number is 845 2313 9724.

For BPU meeting information, visit https://www.bpu.com/About/MediaNewsReleases/BPUBoardtoReview2023ProposedBudget.aspx.