Wyandotte Angels help cold and needy

The Wyandotte Angels distributed items for the cold and needy on Saturday morning at the Kansas National Guard Armory. (Photo from Wyandotte Angels)
The Wyandotte Angels gathered for a photo at the drive-through event Saturday. (Photo from Wyandotte Angels)

The Wyandotte Angels volunteers helped the cold and needy on a very cold day on Saturday at a drive-through event at the Kansas National Guard Armory, Kansas City, Kansas.

Donations were collected, then distributed through a drive-through event Saturday morning. There were many items such as hats, mittens, blankets and shoes for people.

Co-founders Jalynda and Martin Cervantes started the group during the COVID period, to have 20 friends volunteer to help two families per month, and the group exploded. Now it has 3,300 nationwide members serving thousands in Kansas City, Kansas.

For more information, see Wyandotte Angels on Facebook.

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