Highway Patrol to be out in force on Labor Day weekend

The Kansas Highway Patrol is planning an increased presence on highways over Labor Day weekend.

The patrol will participate in Operation C.A.R.E. (Crash Awareness and Reduction Effort).

A spokesman for the highway patrol encouraged residents to plan for a safe weekend.

Speed, inattention and impaired driving are leading causes of traffic crashes, according to the spokesman. Troopers will be on the roadways enforcing Kansas laws and also available to assist motorists.

The highway patrol is participating in the annual Special Traffic Enforcement Program, “You Drink, You Drive, You Lose” campaign.

For this enforcement, the Kansas Department of Transportation has provided funding for troopers to work overtime so they can have more law enforcement officers patrolling the roadways, helping reduce the number and severity of crashes.

“As the summer travel season comes to a close, the Kansas Highway Patrol will be working to ensure our travelers make it to their destinations safely. As you celebrate the upcoming Labor Day weekend, we urge everyone to play it safe and have a sober driver or use a rideshare service if you will be drinking,” said Lt. Candice Breshears, public information officer. “If you are traveling and suspect another motorist may be impaired, please dial 911.”

If you’re traveling for the Labor Day holiday, the patrol offers these tips:

• Always wear your seatbelt every trip, every time. It’s your best defense against impaired drivers.
• Check your vehicle’s condition, including tires, fluid levels and mechanical equipment.
• Check road conditions at www.kandrive.org to look for construction or delays on your route.
• Allow plenty of time to arrive at your destination.
• Buckle up and make sure your children are in the appropriately fitted child safety seats.
• Have an emergency kit in your vehicle with essentials such as water, flashlights, chargers, blankets and non-perishable food.
• Always have a sober driver before you drink alcohol away from home or take a sober ride to and from the location if you will be consuming alcohol. Remember, this is your decision.
• Before you take a new prescription medication, check your medication for driving warnings.
• Before you choose to drive after drinking, know that Kansas Ignition Interlock laws require that any driver convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) must install an Ignition Interlock Device, including an electronic log device, on every vehicle you own or which is registered to you.
• Before you choose to drink and drive, think about your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors.

Motorists who need assistance on a Kansas highway may call KHP for assistance at 47 (HP), or for those traveling on the Kansas Turnpike, call 582 (KTA).