City Planning Commission to meet tonight

The City Planning Commission will meet at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 8, in the Commission Chambers, lobby level, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

On the agenda:

• 7241 Kaw Drive, renewal of a special use permit for the temporary use of land to stockpile and process concrete materials, Tom Giefer, G+G Holdings LLC.

• 2824 N. 99th Terrace, renewal of a home occupation special use permit for a home occupied short-term rental, Cristen Ryman and Kate Lynch.

• 3020 N. Baltimore St., final plat to construct a single-family residence, City Beautiful Enterprises LLC.

• 4744 Georgia Ave., change of zone from single-family district to two-family district to construct a duplex, Andrea Weishaubt, Atlas Land Consulting.

• 2640 Woodend Lane, change of zone from planned apartment district to agriculture district to construct Endless Outdoors Nature Experience, preliminary and final plat for one lot, preliminary and final plan review, special use permit to develop and operate a youth outdoor nature experience facility with trails, camping and shelters.

• 451 S. 14th St., special use permit to operate an inspection-light maintenance facility for United Truck Repair, Prabhjot Singh Padda. The application was returned to the City Planning Commission by the UG Commission for consideration of a 30-day hold over until the Sept. 12 meeting.

• 230 S. 65th St., special use permit for storage for landscaping business inside a 2,000-square-foot outbuilding, Daniel Janssen with Me and My Uncle LLC.

• 733 Ohio Ave., special use permit to operate a short-term rental, Brian Glasser, Akco Investments LLC.

• 3008 S. 9th St., special use permit to operate a short-term rental, Sarah Belarde and Javier Sawenz.

• 4929 State Ave., special use permit for live entertainment in conjunction with an existing drinking establishment, Las Islas VIP Sport Bar, G+J Entertainment.

• 1401 Merriam Lane, special use permit for a used car dealership, James Sullivan.

• 2441 Hagemann, Master Plan amendment application, from low-density residential to rural density residential, in conjunction with Endless Outdoors Nature Experience.

• Consideration of three plans: Northeast Kansas City, Kansas, Heritage Trail Plan, Merriam Connected Corridor Plan and goDotte Countywide Strategic Mobility Plan.

The meeting will be on Zoom. For more information about how to connect to the meeting, visit

Before the start of the CPC meeting will be the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting at 6 p.m.

On the BOZA agenda:

• 217 S. 74th St., an appeal for a variance from the maximum building floor area in the r-1 district.

• 2730 S. 69th St., an appeal in conjunction with a change of zone from single-family district to agriculture district, to grant a variance from a rule about the depth of the lot.

For information about how to connect to the meetings, visit