Community health forum planned tonight

A Unified Government Health Department community health forum is planned from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Monday, Aug. 1, at the South Branch Library, 3104 Strong Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.

The forum is one in a series that is being held as part of a community health assessment in Wyandotte County.

The forums are open to anyone who lives in Wyandotte County.

The forums will ask people who live in Wyandotte County about the biggest health challenges facing the county and ways to make Wyandotte County a healthier place to live for everyone.

The forums are one part of the community health assessment process, which also includes surveys and focus groups to collect additional data. Input collected through the the assessments will be used to help set specific goals for a five-year Community Health Improvement Plan.

Refreshments will be provided at each event. An RSVP is not required.

There will be a Spanish interpreter on site at the Aug. 1 forum.