Upcoming tax sale postponed

The April 28 tax sale has been postponed, according to a Unified Government announcement today.

The upcoming tax sale will be rescheduled when all systems are back online, a UG news release stated Monday.

The UG was hit by a cybersecurity attack over the Easter weekend, and out of an abundance of caution, is reviewing all data before moving forward with rescheduling the sale, according to the announcement.

In the news release, the UG stated that the combined tax sale also would include properties from tax sale 349, the October 2021 and January 2022 sales postponed by the UG Commission during a special session last year.

The tax sales are held to collect unpaid taxes. The UG usually holds three public auctions per year to sell property that is eligible for the tax sale, according to the UG’s news release.

Tax sale eligible properties are those that have delinquent taxes for at least three years for homestead properties, two years for commercial properties and one year for vacant and aandoned properties.

The UG’s Department of Delinquent Real Estate is expected to announce the rescheduled date in the coming days.

Property owners who have delinquent taxes are encouraged to contact the Unified Government at 913-573-2817 or by email at [email protected] as soon as possible to help prevent their property from going to a tax sale.