Master Gardeners offer class on climate change

The Wyandotte County Extension Master Gardeners are holding “Climate Change and You” at 11:30 a.m. Thursday, April 7, via Zoom.

The presenter, Frank Reilly, is an environmental scientist and principal in the Reilly Group, a senior consultant for Logistics Management Institute, and is a certified Master Gardener in Stafford County, Virginia. In the past 10 years he has focused on climate change impact prediction and assessment.

His presentation does not deal with the politics of climate change, but rather with specific advice gardeners can use to prepare themselves, their yards and their community for dealing with changing weather patterns.

Participants will learn how to think about plant choices that are sustainable in the landscape and benefit their home landscape. They will also learn how to plan for changes that can increase storm damage and storm debris; for shifts in temperature that may bring release of new pests and diseases, and for changes in the amounts and timing of precipitation.

Reilly previously presented this talk at the 2021 International Master Gardener Conference, and has adapted it to address specific concerns of those in the middle of the USA.

There is no fee to participate in this class; however, pre-registration is required to obtain the link to the Zoom presentation. Registration is at