KCK students of month honored


Members of the Kansas City, Kansas Board of Education recognized March Students of the Month at the March 25 Board of Education meeting. Students honored were, from left, Joshua Quinones, New Stanley Elementary; Juan Tirado Garcia, Harmon High School; and Sydney Riley, Welborn Elementary School. (Photo from Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools)

Students of the month were honored recently by the Kansas City, Kansas Board of Education.

The students’ nominations:

Joshua Quinones, 5th grade, New Stanley School

Nominated by: Cindy Moore, Brandy Treaster, teachers and Miriam Torres, ESL aide:

“What can I say about Joshua?  He is a great student.  He comes to school every day with a smile on his face, ready to take on the challenges of the day.  He strives to learn something new each day.   Joshua does not complain or give up when he is presented with something new or challenging.  Joshua’s peers look up to him as well.  He is dedicated to his schoolwork and puts in 100 percent all the time.  Joshua is a member of our school’s Safety Patrol.  He comes to school a little early and stays a little late to fulfill his commitment.  Joshua has a bright future and his possibilities are endless!”

Juan Tirado Garcia, 11th grade Harmon High School

Nominated by:  Steve Howard, teacher and coach at Harmon High School

“I first met Juan last summer, and had the pleasure of having him on our cross country team.  His energy and natural leadership skills made the decision easy to name him the captain. I found it interesting that he had made a commitment to get involved in sports during his junior year, once he had made his grades, developed a work/study skills that would maintain his high academic standards.  Juan is an honor roll student, and taking college credit courses. His list of inside and outside school activities is remarkable.  Leadership 20-20, Bio-Science Academy, Math and Science Saturday Academy, KU Talent Search, not to mention the band, Pep Club, and Student Council.  It is my privilege to write this recommendation.”

Sydney Riley, 5th grade, Welborn Elementary School

Nominated by: Stacey Chatmon, teacher and Jamila Harris, counselor

“Sydney is the student’s student.  She is an advocate for fair treatment of all students.  She models what it means to be bully-free.  She always stands up to other students who are bullies by reporting bullying incidents to teachers and administration.  She encourages the victim to stand up for themselves and be honest.  She also tries to befriend the bully knowing they often don’t have friends.  She is an Honor Roll Student, Student Council, Safety Patrol, and Battle of the Books participant, all while battling with some health issues.  Yet she perseveres through her daily battles and school work never complaining about her struggles.  Sydney is a model student that we want to recognize.”

– Story and photo from Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools