Large community response seen to request for UG committee members

Mayor Tyrone Garner has received a large community response to his request for members of new Unified Government committees, according to a UG news release.

More than 250 community members, advocates and UG employees expressed an interest to participate in the committees, the news release stated.

On Jan. 25, Mayor Garner brought forward his vision for committees to work together with the UG commission chairs to create solutions to address some of the most pressing issues facing the community , according to the news release.

The committee chairs will lead listening sessions with committee volunteers to learn more about interests and perspective while establishing goals for the committees, the news release stated.

The committees will address topics including equitable development, the needs of unhoused residents, safety and justice, arts and culture, government efficiency, business, community health and recreation.

“I am committed to being community-driven,” Mayor Garner said in the news release. “I look forward to collaborating with our community to make Wyandotte County a great place to live, work, and raise a family. These committees are just the beginning of our effort to create new ways for neighbors to be engaged in problem-solving through collaboration with the Unified Government.”

In pursuit of his goals to engage more community members in shaping the future of Wyandotte County, the mayor will be launching two additional task forces and a Council of Clergy this month, according to the news release.

Mayor’s Environment and Green Energy Task Force

Pollution and climate change disproportionately impacts our most vulnerable communities, including people living with disabilities, economically disadvantaged households, the elderly, youth and people of color, according to the news release.

This task force will assess environmental justice across our county and, through meaningful involvement, shape policy recommendations for a more sustainable Wyandotte. The task force will focus on the identification and development of innovative policies and strategies to address green design, renewable energy and sustainable resource management.

For example, the task force will explore distributed energy and utility-scale green energy generation to mitigate impacts of supply disruptions, reduce energy costs and eliminate the reliance on fossil fuels. Furthermore, the task force will develop recommendations on tax policies and financing options, including federal grants and funding resources, to promote a green economy to ensure resiliency as a community for generations to come, the news release stated.

Mayor’s Quindaro Ruins Task Force

Over the years, there have been many community-led efforts to reimagine and support the Quindaro Ruins as a national destination of considerable historic significance. Mayor Garner will convene this task force to engage interested stakeholders and community groups in advancing the preservation of this historic national site, according to the news release.

With the goal of developing a unified strategic plan that moves the site from a state of ruin to economic revitalization, the convening taskforce should be made up of representatives from the African Methodist Episcopal Church, Unified Government, private ownerships, key stakeholders from existing committees and organizations, historians, tourism and park service professionals.

A community town hall will be scheduled in the future to convene interested parties in a discussion of what is possible, according to the news release.

Mayor’s Council of Clergy

The Council of Clergy will advise the mayor and his staff on critical issues pertaining to community development, engagement and citizen involvement.

Likewise, the Council of Clergy will serve as a conduit to share information with their congregations and faith communities regarding opportunities and critical needs. Participating faith leaders will facilitate a dialogue within each congregation for civic engagement, support the Unified Government upon request and assist in recruiting volunteers and participate in local events that support children and families, according to the news release.

The Council of Clergy will officially launch on Sunday, Feb. 27, at the conclusion of the Mayor’s Interfaith Prayer event. Interested clergy members may sign up with the form below.

How to get involved

If you are interested in volunteering for either task force or the Council of Clergy, complete a short form at and more information will be sent to you.

  • Information from UG