Holidays offer opportunity to give

by Cathi Hahner

Holidays are a wonderful time to think about the needs of others, and there are many ways you can help this holiday season.

For a list of opportunities where you can volunteer your time, adopt-a-family or donate, go to the web site at and check out the Holiday Needs Guide.

Local agencies are planning Christmas stores so their clients can shop for gifts. These stores are in need of donations, either cash or gifts. The stores also need volunteers to help set-up, during store hours and break-down the displays.

There are other agencies that have families to be adopted. Adopt-A-Family programs help families during the holidays by providing food, toys and clothing in a compassionate and supportive manner. Adopting a family is a wonderful way to teach children how be charitable and to involve them in a community project. It can also be a wonderful team building opportunity at the close of the corporate year.

You might organize a new gift drive for kids of all ages or make a donation to a gift-giving organization. There are a variety of agencies collecting toys and personal items. Volunteers can also help with distribution of the holiday baskets to the families.

Many local agencies hold holiday parties or gatherings for their clients. Volunteers are needed to help with the parties through a variety of activities such as decorating or serving at the event. These events are a sure-fire way to spread the spirit of the holidays to all.

For more information on how you can volunteer contact Cathi Hahner at 913-371-3674 or [email protected]. You can also find volunteer opportunities by checking out the website, and click on Holiday Needs Guide or Volunteer.

Cathi Hahner is the director of volunteer services at the United Way of Wyandotte County.