Garner gives vehicle back to UG fleet

Mayor Tyrone Garner has turned in his Unified Government vehicle to be decommissioned and sold, according to an announcement by the UG on Monday evening.

According to the news release, the action was unsolicited, and the newly purchased GMC Yukon Denali will be returned to the UG fleet, decommissioned and sold.

The expense of the new vehicle, reportedly over $85,000, was criticized by some local residents and was the subject of news stories recently. The vehicle was bought in Missouri.

According to the news release, the UG charter allows for a vehicle to be purchased for incoming mayors.

“Mayor Garner wants to put his service to this community above himself by making a promise to refuse any new vehicle purchases afforded to his office by the Unified Government,” the news release stated. “The Unified Government is confident that this action will allow for the fleet center to recoup any expenditures it incurred in its obligation to provide the Mayor’s office with a fleet vehicle as mandated by the Unified Government charter ordinance.”

“As a new Mayor, I am being proactive in recognizing that I need to move in a different direction when it comes to the utilization of resources provided to me by the Unified Government,” Mayor Garner said in the news release. “I really want people to know that I want this Mayor’s office to be something other than politics as usual.”

He stated he remained committed to reducing the community’s tax burden, ensuring residents have an affordable BPU bill that better reflects utility usage, and attracting responsible development countywide.

“I reaffirm my pledge to be community-driven,” Mayor Garner said. “I want to do my part to help facilitate making Wyandotte County a great and safe place to live, work and raise a family.”

5 thoughts on “Garner gives vehicle back to UG fleet”

  1. Yeah, after all the negative press it was given back. Did he not know he was getting it beforehand. Why not turn it down before purchasing in Missouri? We have dealerships in Wyandotte County too!!

  2. I don’t see what the big deal was. Every mayor before him had a fleet vehicle, ex mayor Alvey had 2 vehicles, The 1st one was the only 1 reported, no one talked about the chevy tahoe he later on got. I am glad that Tyrone recognizes that he is the 1st black mayor and they are going to try to come for him, he’s doing a good job, and i pray all those Who mean him ill will, will have a change of heart and become part of the solution and not the problem.

  3. I think everybody needs to know how much money did we the taxpayers recoup from the resale of this expensive vehicle. Nothing less than full cost is acceptable.

    1. And His “Honor” Tyrone Garner is now trying to spin this as though he’s giving up that $85k ride out of a sense of responsible governance. He most certainly was involved in/knowledgeable of procuring it in the first place, and is only handing over the keys now that the poop interacted with the air oscillating device. If he were sincere, he would defer his monthly car allowance until such time as the difference between the original purchase price of the vehicle and how much the UG is now able to re-coup on its sale is made up. If he needs a taxpayer-funded vehicle, I suggest he ask whomever has the keys to the Traverse his predecessor drove to turn them over to him.

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