Appointment, stormwater fees on Thursday night UG agenda

The appointment of an interim Unified Government administrator and proposed changes to stormwater fees are on the agenda for the 7 p.m. UG Commission meeting Thursday.

The Unified Government Commission will meet at 5 and 7 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 6.

UG Administrator Doug Bach recently announced his retirement, effective Jan. 6. The interim administrator position is on the agenda.

The proposed stormwater rate options are a tiered rate structure, and an individually calculated rate structure.

There also is a 5 p.m. special session on Thursday. On the agenda for the 5 p.m. meeting are an update on the legislative agenda, a COVID-19 update and a presentation on stormwater rates.

Also on the 7 p.m. agenda are a number of planning and zoning items, including:

• A resolution to extend the moratorium on enforcement of pre-existing murals prohibited within certain zoning districts.

• A resolution to extend some sections of the code of ordinances in conjunction with COVID-19 emergency ordinances passed previously by the UG Commission.

• 7331 Holliday Drive, change of zone from single-family and planned non-retail business districts to planned limited business district for a single-family residence and accessory structures.

• 230 S. 65th St., change of zone from single-family district to planned commercial district to convert a warehouse to a skate park-skate school, Ride 4 Ever Skate Park.

• 4461 Eaton St., change of zone from single-family district to townhouse district to bring the existing nonconforming triplex into compliance.

• 3159 Orville Ave., change of zone from single-family district to traditional neighborhood design district for an existing nonconforming three-unit residential building.

• 3740 N. 35th St., change of zone from single-family district to agriculture district for agricultural uses.

• 1150 N. 38th St., change of zone from single-family district to planned nonretail business district to split office from cemetery property.

• 4403 Rainbow Blvd., change of zone from single-family district to townhouse district for a 17-unit building for Friendship Inn for family members and guests of patients at the University of Kansas Health System.

• 7512 Leavenworth Road, change of zone from limited business district to commercial district to accommodate a used car dealership with light repair and maintenance.

• 4108 Adams St., change of zone from single-family district to two-family district for two living units.

• 2000 S. 49th St., change of zone from single-family district to agriculture district for agricultural purposes.

• 1625 S. 86th St., change of zone, previously approved to MP-3, to revise the hours of operation condition of approval, Bettis Asphalt and Construction.

• 4621 Swartz Road, special use permit to keep about 50 chickens.

• 749 Locust St., special use permit for a short-term rental.

• 401 N. 6th St., special use permit for a drinking establishment with live entertainment in a record store, Manor Records.

• 4403 Rainbow Blvd., special use permit for a 17-unit building for Friendship Inn for family members and guests of patients at the University of Kansas Health Systems.

• 812 S. 12th St., renewal of a special use permit for a restaurant and drinking establishment with live entertainment.

• 4108 Adams St., special use permit for a short-term rental.

• 7512 Leavenworth Road, special use permit to accommodate a used car dealership with light repair and maintenance.

• 2601 Ridge Ave., special use permit for a group home program with gardens and greenhouse for training (Shalom House) and office and gardening space for New Roots program, Catholic Charities of Northeast Kansas.

• 4600 Parkview Ave., vacation of right-of-way.

• 1801 S. 14th St., preliminary and final plan review for BPU water Argentine reservoir reconstruction, BPU.

• 7331 Holliday Drive, master plan amendment from low density residential to neighborhood commercial, Crossroad Trucking.

• 230 S. 65th St., master plan amendment fro low density residential to community commercial, Ride 4 Ever Skate Park.

• 4461 Eaton St., master plan amendment from single-family residential to general urban.

• 4403 Rainbow Blvd., master plan amendment from urban mixed use to general urban, Friendship Inn.

• 4108 Adams St., master p lan amendment from single family to general urban.

• 1150 N. 38th St., master plan amendment from public-semi-public to community commercial.

• 3159 Orville Ave., master plan amendment from urban density to mixed use.

• 3600 Rainbow Blvd., ordinance rezoning property from planned apartment district to planned high-rise apartment district.

• 2211 N. 13th St., ordinance rezoning property from nonretail business district to planned two-family district.

• 8537 State Ave., ordinance authorizing special use permit for liquor sales in conjunction with a convenience store and gas station.

• 221 S. 22nd St., ordinance authorizing special use permit for continuation of a dog day care.

Also on the 7 p.m. agenda:

• The nomination of Lynn Melton to the Law Enforcement Advisory Board, submitted by Commissioner Tom Burroughs.

• Adoption of the proposed UG legislative agenda for the 2022 state legislative session.

The 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. meetings will be on UGTV cable television and on YouTube. The public also may watch the meetings from the City Hall lobby.

The meeting can be accessed through Zoom at

The meeting passcode is 308958.
The webinar ID: 893 1920 7660

The toll-free telephone numbers: 877-853-5257 or 888-475-4499.