UG administrator Bach to retire Jan. 6

Doug Bach (File photo from July 2019)

Unified Government Administrator Doug Bach has announced his retirement, effective Jan. 6.

UG public information officer Krystal McFeders confirmed the announcement this morning. McFeders said she was surprised by the announcement today.

Bach has served as county administrator since March 2014 and has 31 total years of employment with the Unified Government and the city of Kansas City, Kansas.

Ashley Hand, UG director of strategic communications, said she had not heard yet who will be named to be the interim UG administrator starting Jan. 6. Some of the appointment process may be governed by the UG’s charter, she said.

The UG’s current assistant county administrators include Emerick Cross, Melissa Sieben, Alan Howze and Bridgette Cobbins.

Before being appointed county administrator, Bach served as deputy county administrator from 2003 to 2014, and previously served in leadership roles with the UG and the city of Kansas City, Kansas, including the departments of finance, community development and procurement, as well as with the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department and county administration.

“I am honored to have served with the many hardworking, talented individuals across the Unified Government,” Bach said in a news release. “Together, we have tackled many challenges and are now well-positioned to rebound from this pandemic stronger than ever.”

Bach is credited with directing multiple major economic development projects that have brought in hundreds of millions of dollars into the area, stabilized the local economy during a downturn while creating new jobs. He has worked to eliminate debt obligations as an organization ensure future fiscal sustainability and guided the UG through its COVID-19 response.

According to the UG charter, the county administrator is the chief administrative officer of the UG. The county administrator is appointed and dismissed by the mayor with the consent of the UG Commission, the charter stated. The administrator reports directly to the mayor and is subject to an annual review.

Hand said Mayor Tyrone Garner would have no comment. Also, two UG commissioners did not comment.

One thought on “UG administrator Bach to retire Jan. 6”

  1. Thank you for your service Mr Bach, what this story left out was WYCO CEO Mr Gardner and his plans on the community. Do not let this community look like California. Godspeed

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