Rep. Davids says bipartisan bill to bring $3.8 billion to Kansas to create jobs, tackle climate change and boost economic recovery

U.S. Rep. Sharice Davids, D-3rd, said in a statement today that the infrastructure bill that passed the House will bring $3.8 billion to Kansas to create jobs, tackle climate change and boost economic recovery.

“For months, I have been working hard to deliver an infrastructure bill that creates jobs, tackles climate change and boosts our economic recovery here in the Kansas Third District. Today, I voted to send a bipartisan bill to the President’s desk that will bring $3.8 billion to Kansas to meet those priorities—without raising taxes on the middle class.

“This bipartisan infrastructure bill is not absolutely perfect, but it is absolutely necessary. It will not only bring needed federal funding to immediate infrastructure needs in our community, from US 69 to KCATA buses to high-speed internet access, but it will also make significant progress towards longer-term goals, boosting our clean energy economy and ensuring critical materials are made here at home.”

Rep. Davids helped deliver a win for Kansans by passing President Biden and House Democrats’ infrastructure package, according to a DCCC spokesman.

The legislation makes game-changing investments in clean infrastructure, significantly expands broadband access, strengthens climate resilience, and provides millions of Americans with good-paying union jobs.

Thanks to Rep. Davids, workers and families across Kansas can expect a once-in-a-generation investment to fix their crumbling roads and bridges and rebuild their communities to be even stronger.

While some House Republicans overwhelmingly voted “no” on this legislation that a majority of the American people support, Davids and House Democrats worked to ensure Congress passed this legislation that will invest not only in our roads, but in the American people, creating thousands of good-paying union jobs in their backyard and growing the economy in a way that works better for everyone.

“Yesterday, Rep. Sharice Davids proved once again that she would keep her promise to deliver meaningful wins for Kansans,” Johanna Warshaw, DCCC spokesperson, said. “From jobs, to broadband, to clean water, and better roads, workers and families across Kansas will feel the effects of this historic investment for years to come, and voters can be proud of the historic work Rep. Davids accomplished to improve the lives of Kansans.”

2 thoughts on “Rep. Davids says bipartisan bill to bring $3.8 billion to Kansas to create jobs, tackle climate change and boost economic recovery”

  1. Representative votes on the Biden mega spending bill which only increases inflation. This is
    so typical of the Democrats.

  2. Spend Spend Spend. My question, especially on “climate change”, are these “shovel ready” projects again???

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