Candidate forums posted online and on cable TV

Candidate forums sponsored by Business West and KCKCC have been posted online and are available for public view on YouTube, and also should be available on cable television.

The forums are online at

They include a mayor’s forum, UG commissioners forum, sheriff forum, Board of Public Utilities forum and KCK Board of Education forum.

The forums were conducted on Wednesday, Oct. 20, and on Friday, Oct. 23.

They should be available for viewing on cable Channel 17 (Spectrum) and Channel 146 (Google). It is KCEC, the KCKCC cable channel. The forums had not yet started on the cable channel on Oct. 29.

Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 2, and advance voting is underway.

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 2.

For more information about polling places and advance voting, visit

To see some previous stories about the 2021 election visit