KCKCC joins with area organizations to offer ‘Business Basics 4 Boomers’

by Kelly Rogge

The Workforce Development and Entrepreneurship Center at Kansas City Kansas Community College, AARP in Kansas City and Next Chapter Kansas City, a program of Shepherd’s Center of Kansas City, Kan., have joined together to offer a business course targeted toward the Baby Boomer generation.

“Business Basics 4 Boomers” will be from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Dec. 12, at KCKCC’s Dr. Thomas R. Burke Technical Education Center, 6565 State Ave.

The Jewish Heritage Foundation is providing funds to help cover the costs of the conference.

The registration fee for the conference is $15 per person or $10 for members of Next Chapter Kansas City, SEEN (Sustainable Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Network) and the Prime Time Club. The registration deadline is Dec. 9. Registration can be completed online at www.eventbrite.com/e/business-basics-4-boomers-tickets-14417710761.

People at all stages of starting a business and those who are just considering the idea can attend. While the event targets the Baby Boomer generation, younger people can also participate.

The half-day conference will consist of a panel of successful business owners as well as a panel of representatives from business resource organizations, who will share experience, information and advice for the “encore entrepreneur.”

Encore entrepreneurs are the growing number of persons who are seeking to launch income-generating ventures that make a positive difference in their communities after leaving their primary career or in anticipation of doing so.

The business owners’ panel will be moderated by Charley Vogt, senior vice president of business-economic development with Country Club Bank. Panel members will include Joyce Moore, owner of Goin Postal; Tim Ney, owner-operator of Drive Kansas and Doug Danforth, founder and CEO of Links-It.

The panel of business resource organizations will be moderated by Patricia Brown-Dixon, Region 7 Administrator for the U.S. Small Business Administration. Panelists include Elisa Waldman, with the Kansas Small Business Development Center; Kate Hodel with KCSource Link; Debra Ramsey, with the Small Business Administration and a representative from Kansas City SCORE – Chapter 19.

In addition, conference attendees will have the opportunity to visit booths from a variety of business resource organizations. Lunch is included with Mike Peters, life coach and owner of Interaction Coaching. He will be speaking on the topic, “How to Get Unstuck: Getting Back on Track with Your Passion.”

For more information, contact Karen Hostetler, Next Chapter Kansas City Director, at [email protected] or by calling 913-485-0975. Information is also available by contacting Tom Kelso at the KCKCC Workforce Development Office, 913-288-7644.

Kelly Rogge is the public information supervisor at Kansas City Kansas Community College.