Bishop Ward holds lunch for Wyandotte County priests

by Josh Sukraw

Bishop Ward High School had the opportunity to hold a lunch Dec. 2 with Deacon Dana Nearmyer, director of youth ministry for the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, and local Roman Catholic priests in Wyandotte County.

At the meeting it was discussed how the church can constructively benefit the community of Wyandotte County. priests from all parishes attended and the discussions ranged from education to how the church can serve youth today.

According to a school spokesman, it was very beneficial for Bishop Ward to hold this lunch, the youth in the community were often the subject of discussion and a school was a very appropriate setting.

“The church in Wyandotte County can be influential in determining a moral leadership path for the youth in this community,” said the Rev. Thomas Schrader, president of Bishop Ward High School. “I look forward to how the church and community can work together to produce this next generation of moral leaders.”
Josh Sukraw is the marketing and alumni manager for Bishop Ward High School, Kansas City, Kan.