Democrats to meet Saturday

Mark Holland, former Kansas City, Kansas, mayor, will be the guest speaker at the Wyandotte County Third Saturday Democratic Breakfast meeting Saturday, Oct. 16 at Las Islas VIP Sports Bar and Grill, 4929 State Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.

The meeting will be held in the parking lot at the location. People will start gathering about 8 a.m., with the program at 9 a.m.

Holland, a United Methodist minister, is a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2022.

Also on the program Saturday will be Hank Chamberlain, Democratic National committeeman, who will give a report of last weekend’s DNC Zoom meeting.

Hana’s Donuts will be available for the meeting.

Candidates on the Nov. 2 ballot who are Democratic registered voters and did not speak at last month’s breakfast are invited to speak Saturday. All Democratic candidates may bring signs and literature for distribution.

The meeting is open to Democrats.