Tuesday is the last day to register to vote

Tuesday, Oct. 12, is the last day to register to vote before the Nov. 2 general election.

Advance voting by mail begins Oct. 13. Advance voting in person begins Oct. 23.

To register to vote in person, visit the Wyandotte County election office at 850 State Ave., Kansas City, Kansas.

On the ballot for the general election are candidates for mayor, Unified Government Commission, Sheriff, Board of Public Utilities, KCKCC Board of Trustees, Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools Board of Education, Turner Board of Education, Piper Board of Education, Bonner Springs Board of Education, Bonner City Council, Edwardsville mayor, and Edwardsville City Council.

For a complete list of candidates, visit https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56606b47e4b0b9403ad6ff96/t/6160477aa489e834a9d504f9/1633699706750/November+2%2C+2021+General+Election+-+Candidate+List+for+Wyandotte+County.pdf.

For more information on the election, visit https://wycovotes.org/november-2-2021-general-election.

Voter registration forms are online at