Area banker named to CFPB’s Community Bank Advisory Council

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) recently named Bank of Labor Senior Vice President Mary Buche to its Community Bank Advisory Council (CBAC).

Committee members advise bureau leadership on a broad range of consumer financial issues and emerging market trends. CBAC members are chosen to advise and consult with the bureau leadership on consumer financial issues related to community banks and credit unions.

“I feel so honored to be part of this well-esteemed group of bankers from across the country,” Buche said. Buche has 33 years of experience in financial services and holds a business and consumer lending leadership position in Bank of Labor’s Community Bank division.

Buche was the only banker from the Kansas City region named to the council.

The committee members include experts in consumer protection, financial services, consumer lending, economic justice, and consumer financial products and services as well as representatives of community banks and credit unions. Advisory committee membership reflects the expertise across the range of issues under the Bureau’s jurisdiction. Committee members serve two-year terms.

Founded in 1924, the Bank of Labor formerly was known as Brotherhood Bank.