UG committees to discuss Land Bank changes, capital projects tonight

Unified Government committees are scheduled to consider Land Bank changes, capital projects and other items on Monday, Dec. 1, at City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kan.

The Neighborhood and Community Development Standing Committee meeting will begin at 5 p.m. in the fifth floor conference room, Suite 515.

The agenda for the 5 p.m. meeting includes distribution of special drug and alcohol tax funds; an ordinance repealing the landlord training program and replacing it with a noncompulsory free online video seminar; several Land Bank applications; transferring 610 Minnesota Ave. and 620 Minnesota Ave. from the UG into the Land Bank, while an agreement is under negotiation with the owner of 626 Minnesota Ave. to improve the area as a parking lot, with the Land Bank retaining ownership; a review of Land Bank policy; a presentation on UG-controlled properties recommending they be transferred to the Land Bank for holding and further action; an update about transit operations and opportunities.

In the agenda documents for the UG-controlled properties possibly being transferred to the Land Bank, there were 2,107 UG properties identified as either improvements, vacants or right-of-way that could be eligible for the Land Bank. About 480 of these were listed as tax-delinquent.

At the scheduled 5:45 p.m. Economic Development and Finance Standing Committee meeting, to be held in the fifth-floor meeting room, on the agenda will be resolutions to finance construction, maintenance and improvement projects for 2015 temporary note and bond financing; another resolution to finance Commission Neighborhood Initiative Program projects; a resolution for a sale of about $80.5 million in temporary notes, and about $32 million in general obligation bonds; terminating four redevelopment districts, the Fremont Corp Center Redevelopment District, Tremont Redevelopment District, Turner Hills Redevelopment District, and Wolcott Redevelopment District; a lease-purchase agreement with Hewlett-Packard for an annual payment of about $76,386 on a 4.25-year lease for a storage area network; review of a development agreement for the Fairway North Shopping Center near 47th and Mission Road; updates on Cricket Wireless Amphitheater; and the appearance of a small business concerning redevelopment actions that caused the loss of a business that had recently moved into the Fairfax area.

The agendas for these meetings are posted online at