30 Miles in 30 Days Challenge returning to KCKCC

by Kelly Rogge, KCKCC

The KCKCC Wellness and Fitness Center is starting the New Year by helping the campus community develop a healthier lifestyle.

The 30 Miles in 30 Days Challenge starts Feb. 10. Its purpose is to encourage students, staff, faculty and community members to complete at least one mile of cardiovascular activity every day for a month. That includes walking, jogging, riding a bike or one mile on an elliptical machine.

“It takes 21 to 30 days to break old habits and create new habits,” said Pam Hall, wellness specialist at the KCKCC Wellness and Fitness Center. “We want to make it personally challenging, have individuals make a real change and re-pattern their fitness routine.”

Upon registering, individuals will receive a Tracking Card, which is what they will turn in at the end of the 30 Miles in 30 Days Challenge to show the activity logged. Participants mark the box for each day they complete a mile. When the challenge ends March 14, individuals will submit their completed cards for a chance at winning a prize. The Tracking Card does not include any Sundays.

The 30 Miles in 30 Days Challenge is also for those that may already be exercising.

“Make this a personal challenge for yourself,” Hall said. “Say you already do two miles of exercise a day. For one mile, make yourself go faster than you normally would.”

For more information or to register for the challenge, contact Pam Hall at [email protected] or at 913-288-7368. Individuals can also register by calling the Wellness & Fitness Center at 913-288-7610 or visiting the front desk.