Rosedale annual meeting to be Thursday

The Rosedale Development Association will hold its annual meeting at 5 p.m. Thursday, March 10, at the Rainbow Mennonite Church, 1444 Southwest Blvd., Kansas City, Kansas.

The annual meeting was rescheduled from last year, and will be a come-and-go, open house-style meeting.

The RDA staff will have several booths that describe their successes and highlights of 2021, telling about their volunteers, inviting visitors to a community building game and asking residents to share their stories about Rosedale.

The event also will include some community partners with booths.

Local artist Elizabeth Johnston has designed coloring sheets for the event, and they will be placed at tables where people may sit and visit.

For more information, see

Grinter Jamboree to be March 9

The Grinter Jamboree will be from 6 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 9, at the Grinter Place barn, 1400 S. 78th, Kansas City, Kansas.

There will be music and dancing, with the MP3 Band playing country favorites.

It will have a St. Patrick’s theme, with refreshments including green sherbet. The event is sponsored by the Grinter Place Friends.

Admission is $6 per person. Concessions will be available.

Fairfax group to meet Thursday

The Fairfax Industrial Association will meet for an in-person luncheon from 11:15 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Thursday, March 10.

The guest speaker will be Doug Spangler. Spangler is a member of the Mayor’s Task Force on Governmental Efficiency. He will speak about property tax valuation and assessment ratio in Kansas and the effect on property valuation in Fairfax.

The event will be at the Hilton Garden Inn, 520 Minnesota Ave. The cost is $30.

For more information, see