KCK Police Department issues statement
A CNN story on Oct. 14 about former KCK detective Roger Golubski says a federal grand jury has been interviewing witnesses about the detective recently. (See https://www.cnn.com/2021/10/14/us/kansas-city-police-investigation-golubski-invs/index.html)
The KCK Police Department today issued a statement in response to the CNN story, that it has been cooperative with the FBI since 2019, but it did not disclose its cooperation earlier.
The allegations about Golubski go back more than 25 years. Golubski left the KCK department in 2010 after more than 30 years, where he was a captain and commander of the homicide unit, and then worked for the Edwardsville Police Department until 2016.

Claims have been heard in recent years about the former detective allegedly exploiting minority women, and he was involved in a case where a man was wrongfully incarcerated for more than 20 years. (See https://wyandotteonline.com/lawsuit-filed-against-ug-alleging-police-misconduct/)
The Legislature changed its laws to allow those who were wrongfully incarcerated to receive compensation from the state. (See https://wyandotteonline.com/governor-signs-bill-to-compensate-wrongfully-incarcerated/)
However, charges had not been filed against the retired detective. After an investigation, the Kansas Bureau of Investigation turned the case over to federal authorities (See
Most recently, hip-hop artist Jay-Z and Team Roc got involved, bringing more national attention to the case, running a full-page ad in the Washington Post, asking for federal action on the “abuse of power.” Team Roc’s actions received support from several activist groups in the community. One of the persons supporting Team Roc was State Rep. Aaron Coleman, who made a video statement Sept. 22 at https://www.facebook.com/Aaron.Coleman4Kansas/videos/450497356614468.
The timing of this latest national attention coincides with the local election. Calls for a Department of Justice investigation have been part of the current Kansas City, Kansas, mayoral campaign, with the election about two and a half weeks away.
Today, the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department issued a statement in response to the CNN story:
“Since 2019, the Kansas City, Kansas Police Department has been responding to subpoenas from the FBI regarding allegations made against Roger Golubski. Despite many inquiries from both the public and media over the past three years, we did not disclose our cooperation with the investigation out of concern that it could interfere with the work of federal authorities.”
Mayor David Alvey released a statement:
“Following recent media reports regarding a grand jury investigation of Roger Golubski, I would like to offer the following statement on behalf of the Unified Government of Wyandotte County, Kansas City, Kansas:
“The Unified Government (UG) has been cooperating with various federal agency inquiries into these matters since 2019, providing any and all information requested by appropriate federal authorities. In order to protect the integrity of this investigation, the UG has not commented publicly on the status or content of these inquiries.
“The UG will continue to assist federal, state, and local authorities on any external investigations or inquiries involving the Kansas City, Kansas Police Department (KCKPD), providing any and all information requested. I encourage the community to also assist by providing any new or relevant information they may have involving any unsolved cases or other matters for review.
“I want to assure our community that the Unified Government will continue to assist authorities in their investigation. Our community deserves that the truth be known and justice be done, no matter how or when it occurs.”
Mayoral candidate Tyrone Garner’s campaign manager released this statement Saturday:
“As he has previously stated on record, Mr. Garner welcomes and continues to support any independent investigations into allegations of criminal wrongdoing that is geared towards bringing clarity, justice, and the comfort of closure to those that have demanded and pursued inquiry, healing and reconciliation.”