Gov. Kelly strikes court deal with two churches, hints at easing coronavirus shutdown

by Brian Grimmett, Kansas News Service

The governor and two churches that sued over a stay-at-home order have reached a temporary truce in a case that entangles the coronavirus outbreak with issues of religious liberties.

Wichita, Kansas — Gov. Laura Kelly filed a joint motion this weekend with two churches suing her over stay-at-home orders, signaling her first steps to reopen the Kansas economy and tamp down the fight over religious freedom.

The motion filed in federal court Saturday night promises a new executive order from Kelly allowing large gatherings — including church services — as long as people stay six feet apart from each other and follow other protocols to check the spread of the coronavirus.

That marks the governor’s latest compromise to prevent the close contact that could feed the spread of COVID-19 while gradually opening up commerce in the state.

Kelly had faced a challenge tied up in legal technicalities against the backdrop of how far a chief executive could go to stem a public health crisis without violating constitutional rights of freedom to assembly and religion.

In the joint filing with the churches who sued over her orders that said even church services were subject to 10 people or fewer, Kelly said Kansas will begin to lift many restrictions on public gatherings beginning May 4.

The order would include one key remaining rule: Groups won’t be allowed to gather too tightly. Rather, they’d need to keep six feet between one person and the next.

Kelly promised in the legal filing to alert the lawyers for the church that sued her — First Baptist Church of Dodge City and Calvary Baptist Church of Junction City — the terms of her next order before it kicks in on May 4.

The motion filed by both sides in the suit doesn’t necessarily end the legal fight. The churches could challenge her again if they act within two days of Kelly’s coming order.

And the motion does, repeatedly, contain the phrase “unless public health information dictates otherwise.”

The governor said in a statement late Saturday that “we have the law on our side,” but that the temporary deal struck with the two churches lets her balance trying to stop the spread of the coronavirus against “working to restart the economy.”

“My highest priority has been, and will continue to be,” Kelly said in the statement, “keeping Kansans safe during this pandemic.”

The case pitting the governor against the two churches remains unsettled. A federal judge had issued a temporary restraining order giving the two churches a pass on Kelly’s prohibition.

The joint motion filed by attorneys for Kelly and the churches stretched that to May 16 — unless the churches file an objection to whatever executive order Kelly issues to take effect May 4. The joint motion and agreement applies only to the two churches that sued, one in Ford County and one in Geary County.

Several states have faced legal challenges over similar orders meant to stop the spread of the coronavirus, each lawsuit arguing that such regulations violate the U.S. constitution. But Kansas is the first to have the rule put on hold.

U.S. District Judge John Broomes in Wichita explained that he issued a preliminary injunction because Kelly’s executive order issued April 7, and its predecessor put greater restrictions on religious organizations than previous orders had put on things like airports, grocery stores and public transportation. But the judge said that Kelly had not proved religious gatherings were inherently more dangerous.

Saturday’s motion puts on hold weeks of legal battles at the state and federal levels over Kelly’s restrictions. The ruling also follows a few others in federal courts around the country, where judges rejected arguments that similar orders violated the U.S. Constitution in pursuit of slowing the spread of the coronavirus.

The Kansas churches sued the governor April 16 after local law enforcement threatened criminal charges if the churches continued to violate Kelly’s order.

In the lawsuit, the churches argued Kelly violated both their First Amendment right to freely exercise religion, as well as the Kansas Preservation of Religious Freedom Act.

Broomes, put on the court two years ago by President Donald Trump, approved a temporary restraining order on April 18 that allowed the two churches to meet as long as they followed a strict set of guidelines like doing temperature checks, wearing masks and remaining six feet apart. That’s the order that was effectively extended through May 16 for those two churches only in Saturday’s filing.

Attorneys representing Kelly had argued in a filing that the case should be dismissed because the churches don’t have a right to sue a state in federal court due to the Eleventh Amendment. The argument hinges on whether or not the judge believes that Kelly is responsible for enforcing the executive order.

Attorneys representing the two churches argued Kelly is not immune, and that the governor said in arguments before the Kansas Supreme Court in mid-April that during an emergency her “authority is at its maximum.”

The churches’ attorneys added that Kelly “claim the maximum extent of her executive and legislative powers when making sweeping legislative decrees and marshalling the full might of the state’s military, administrative, and law enforcement officers to meet a public health emergency, and then attempt to hide behind the ‘discretion’ of local law enforcement officers when she has gone too far.”

At time of Saturday’s filing, Kansas had recorded more than 3,000 cases of the coronavirus, including 117 deaths. And the rate of cases was spiraling upward in and around the meatpacking plants of southwestern Kansas, including Ford County.

State health officials have said a couple of clusters in the eastern part of the state happened after religious gatherings. Kelly initially restricted several types of gatherings to 10 or fewer people in late March, but extended it to church services and funerals on April 7.

Most Kansas churches have discontinued in-person meetings and are streaming their services. Kansas Interfaith Action, a nonprofit that promotes faith-based action on issues like climate change and social justice, filed an amicus brief showing their support for Kelly’s orders.

Broomes’ ruling comes three weeks after the Kansas Supreme Court upheld Kelly’s executive order, which initially was rescinded days before Easter by a seven-member panel dominated by Republican legislative leaders.

Similar lawsuits have been filed in several states, including Texas, New Mexico, Kentucky, Florida and Mississippi. In the Mississippi case, members of a Greenville church were fined after attending a service in their parking lot listening to the sermon on their car radios. But the city lifted its restrictions after U.S. Attorney General William Barr filed a statement of interest in the case.

Elsewhere, federal courts have ruled in favor of state governments. In New Mexico, a judge did not grant a temporary restraining order on an order limiting gatherings of more than five, saying the restriction that came days before Easter was generally applicable and not discriminatory to churches.

“Religious activity’s relatively late recategorization stemmed not from hostility toward religion, but rather solicitousness towards religion,” the judge said, adding, “(New Mexico’s health secretary) sought to preserve religious organizations’ leeway to conduct services as long as possible until COVID-19 became too severe to continue affording such latitude.”

The governor’s executive orders are made possible by a state of emergency declaration that ends May 1. Only the full Legislature is allowed to extend her declaration, and it isn’t clear when it’ll resume the 2020 session.

Brian Grimmett reports on the environment, energy and natural resources for KMUW in Wichita and the Kansas News Service. You can follow him on Twitter @briangrimmett or email him at grimmett (at) kmuw (dot) org.
The Kansas News Service is a collaboration of KCUR, Kansas Public Radio, KMUW and High Plains Public Radio focused on health, the social determinants of health and their connection to public policy. Kansas News Service stories and photos may be republished by news media at no cost with proper attribution and a link to

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Faith news

Many in-person church services in Wyandotte County have been canceled because of efforts to stop the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Wyandotte County is under a “stay-at-home” order and all meetings must be no more than 10 persons per gathering, spaced at least six feet apart. Some faith groups will hold online or video services instead.
We will try to update this list as we learn of more services in the area. Residents are advised to visit the social media page of their church or faith organization, or to call them or email them, to see changes that have been made to regular schedules, or if there are video services planned on Sunday.

The Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, because of the COVID-19 pandemic, is planning an online Mass at 10 a.m. Sunday, April 26. Archbishop Joseph Naumann will celebrate Mass on

Open Door Baptist Church, Kansas City, Kansas, will have livestream services at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 26, on the church’s website, and on social media.

Stony Point Christian Church, Kansas City, Kansas, will have a worship service at 10:15 a.m. Sunday, April 26, on its Facebook page at

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Kansas City, Kansas, will not hold in-person services Sunday. However, the parish will livestream its services on Facebook. See and Sunday services will be livestreamed from St. Paul’s at 10 a.m. May 3.

Worship services for Wyandotte United Methodist Church on Sunday, April 26, can be viewed on Facebook at or on the website at

Information about other church services in Wyandotte County may be available from the church’s social media page.
To send in items for the Faith News, email information to [email protected]. Please include your name and contact information.

Kansas COVID-19 cases increase 279; Wyandotte County cases up by 24

Wyandotte County gets D-plus grade for social distancing

Seventy-six counties in Kansas reported 3,056 COVID-19 cases on Saturday, an increase of 279. There were six more deaths. (KDHE map)
New Kansas cases were in blue and total cases were in yellow in this chart. (KDHE chart)
Wyandotte County reported 551 COVID-19 cases and 50 total deaths at 1:40 p.m. Saturday. It was an increase of one death. (UG COVID-19 webpage)

Positive COVID-19 cases in Kansas increased by 279 on Saturday, to a high of 3,056, according to Kansas Department of Health and Environment statistics.

Deaths in Kansas totaled 117, an increase of six since Friday, according to the report.

Wyandotte County saw 24 new positive COVID-19 cases, for a total of 551 on Saturday, according to the 1:30 p.m. Unified Government COVID-19 webpage.

There was one additional death in Wyandotte County, for a total of 50, according to the report.

Other counties’ reports

Ford County, the Dodge City area, rose to third highest in the state on Saturday, reporting 419 positive cases. It was up from 350 cases on Friday. It is the site of meatpacking plants. KDHE and CDC have ramped up testing at the meatpacking plants, where there have been outbreaks.

KDHE stated it anticipated an increase in the next several days for areas in western Kansas because of new testing strategies that have been implemented. Extra tests were ordered for meatpacking plant employees. According to KDHE, there could be delays with the county numbers added to the state total because of additional time it is taking to enter lab reports.

Some of the counties’ reports, according to the KDHE: Johnson County, 423 cases; Ford (Dodge City area), 419 cases; Sedgwick (Wichita area), 334 cases; Seward (Liberal area), 307 cases; Leavenworth County, 167 cases; Lyon County (Emporia area), 140 cases; Finney (Garden City area), 139 cases; Shawnee (Topeka area), 100 cases; Coffey (Burlington area), 48 cases; Douglas (Lawrence area), 48 cases; and Riley County (Manhattan area), 43 cases; Labette County, 21; Reno County, 21; McPherson County, 20; Saline County, 19; Montgomery County, 14; and Butler County, 13.

Wyandotte County gets D-plus for social distancing

According to the Unacast social distancing scale, Wyandotte County received a D-plus for social distancing. The county got a D for a 25 to 40 percent reduction in average mobility; a B for a 65 to 70 percent reduction in nonessential visits; and an F for less than 40 percent decrease in encounters density compared to the national baseline.

Nearby Johnson County received a D on the social distancing scale, while Leavenworth County received a D-minus. Shawnee County, the Topeka area, received an F for social distancing.

For more information on the social distancing scale see

The Kansas COVID-19 resource page is at

The UG’s COVID-19 webpage is at

Information from the CDC is at