UG Commission to meet Sept. 13

The Unified Government Commission will meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 13, at City Hall, lobby level, Commission Chambers, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

Among the items on the 7 p.m. agenda:

• A recommendation to expand the service area for the Community Housing Investment Partnership Down Payment Assistance Program, funded with H.O.M.E. funds from the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

• A resolution on an agreement with the Fairfax Drainage District for the use of sewer infrastructure. It calls for the UG to pay the district $250,000 this year, with annual payments afterward.

• A resolution authorizing a survey and to authorize the exercise of eminent domain for a new Board of Public Utilities Speaker Road II substation at 4417 Speaker Road.

• A resolution authorizing a survey and to authorize the exercise of eminent domain for a new Board of Public Utilities Everett II substation at 4401 Everett Ave.

• A resolution authorizing a survey and to authorize the exercise of eminent domain for the Piper Creek Regional Improvements project, west of North 131st Street and south of Leavenworth Road .

• An ordinance authorizing proceedings to acquire property necessary for Pump Station 61 force main improvements, from Donahoo and North 123rd Street, then to 123rd Terrace, and to Wingfoot Drive.

• A resolution to approve loaning 40 Luxfer SCBA airpacks from the Fire Department to Kansas City Kansas Community College, and to donate 200 MSA airpacks and a Bauer Compressor to the government of Uruapan, Michoacan, Mexico, a sister city.

• Approval to apply for and accept the Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant of $104,142 for the Police Department.

• Approval of a grant application with the UG Health Department and the UG Planning Departmenet as subgrantor of a Kansas University Center for Research grant from the CDC REACH, for $130,000 for the first year of a five-year $500,000 grant. The grant is aimed at reducing or preventing chronic disease.

• Approval of a grant application from The Healthcare Foundation of Greater Kansas City for a two-year S.H.A.R.P. (Sexual Health Adolescent Relationship Program) grant of $200,000, with the purpose to decrease sexually transmitted diseases, HIV and teen pregnancy rates.

• A presentation by the Board of Public Utilities on utility benchmarking.

• An update by the UG’s anti-blight SOAR team on 2018 goals.

• Nomination of John McTaggart to the Library Board, submitted by Mayor David Alvey.

• Reappointment of Maurice Ryan as administrative judge of the Municipal Court.

• Designation of Mayor David Alvey, Gordon Criswell, Kathleen Von Achen and Mike Taylor as voting delegates for the League of Kansas Municipalities annual conference in Overland Park, Kansas.

• Presentation of Police Department awards.

An agenda is posted at

Motorcyclist in critical condition following accident near 82nd and State

A motorcyclist was taken to the hospital with critical injuries after an accident about 2:10 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, in the 8200 block of State Avenue.

According to a Kansas City, Kansas, police spokesman, the driver of a motorcycle was traveling eastbound on State Avenue at a high rate of speed and collided with a silver sedan turning south into a parking lot near 82nd and State.

The driver of the motorcycle was thrown from the bike, sustaining critical injuries, and was taken to a hospital for treatment, the spokesman stated. The driver of the sedan was not injured.

The accident is under investigation by the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department’s Traffic Support Unit – Critical Collision Response Team.

District attorney speaks at Leavenworth Road Association meeting

Wyandotte County District Attorney Mark Dupree spoke about his department and the new conviction integrity unit program at the Leavenworth Road Association meeting on Tuesday night at the Eisenhower Recreation Center, Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo from Lou Braswell, Leavenworth Road Association)
Wyandotte County District Attorney Mark Dupree spoke about his department and the new conviction integrity unit program at the Leavenworth Road Association meeting on Tuesday night at the Eisenhower Recreation Center, Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo from Lou Braswell, Leavenworth Road Association)
The audience listened at the Leavenworth Road Association meeting on Tuesday night at the Eisenhower Recreation Center, Kansas City, Kansas. (Photo from Lou Braswell, Leavenworth Road Association)