Collision reported on northbound I-435 near Kansas Avenue

Serving Kansas City (Wyandotte County) Kansas for over 50 years!
Community members will raise funds for scholarships for Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools students at the 28th annual scholarship golf tournament June 13 at Sunflower Hills Golf Course, 122nd and Riverview, Bonner Springs, Kansas.
The funds raised will go to the Kansas City, Kansas, School Foundation for Excellence to be distributed to seniors for scholarships, and used for district literacy programs. The foundation has sponsored the fundraiser since 1991.
A morning flight and an afternoon flight will be available for participants. Each flight has a limit of 24 teams.
The morning flight will begin with a continental breakfast and registration at 6:30 a.m., followed by a shotgun start at 7:30 a.m., and an awards program and lunch at 1 p.m. at the George Meyn Center in Wyandotte County Park, Bonner Springs.
The afternoon flight begins with lunch and registration at 12:30 p.m., followed by a shotgun start at 1 p.m., and dinner and awards program at 6 p.m. at the George Meyn Center.
For more information, visit http://kckps.org/images/golf2018.pdf.