Faith news

To send in items for the Faith News, email information to [email protected]. Please include your name and contact information. In the event of inclement weather, contact the church or organization to see if the event is still being held.

Christ the King Catholic Church, 3024 N. 53rd, Kansas City, Kansas, will have a Knights of Columbus breakfast from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Sunday, June 17.

Parkway Baptist Church, 12320 Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, Kansas, plans a Community Blood Center blood drive from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. June 25 in the church classrooms. To schedule a donation, visit or call 816-753-4040.

The Risen Lamb International Church of the Nazarene, 5301 Metropolitan Ave., Kansas City, Kansas, will hold a Red Cross blood drive from noon to 4 p.m. Sunday, June 10. For more information, visit

Volunteers are needed for Samaritan’s Purse’s project, Operation Christmas Child. In this program, led by the Rev. Franklin Graham, volunteers fill shoeboxes with toys, school supplies and hygiene items. The shoeboxes are given to needy children. Operation Christmas Child has delivered more than 157 million gift-filled shoeboxes to children in more than 160 countries since 1993. This year, the local Kansas City, Kansas West Area Team hopes to collect 15,782 shoebox gifts to contribute to the 2018 global goal of reaching more than 11 million children in need. Shannon Zaring leads the local Kansas City, Kansas, West Area Team for Operation Christmas Child. To learn more about joining the Kansas City, Kansas West Area Team Area Team or to apply for leadership opportunities, visit

Members of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 1300 N. 18th St., Kansas City, Kansas, will observe the fourth Sunday in the season of Pentecost June 17. The parish will sponsor a vacation church school for children from 6 p.m. until 8 p.m. Monday, June 18, through Wednesday, June 20; the theme of the school will be “The Story of Noah.” A light dinner will be served.

Wyandotte United Methodist Church, 7901 Oakland Ave., Kansas City, Kansas, plans a Community Blood Center blood drive from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. June 19 in the church Fellowship Hall. To schedule a donation, visit or call 816-753-4040.
Send Faith News items to [email protected]. Please include your contact information.

Community calendar

The Wyandotte Daily news is interested in news of your community event in Wyandotte County. Send information to [email protected] and include your name and phone number. Please send in planned events about a week before the event if possible. In the event of inclement weather, call to see if the event is still planned.

Programs offered for Spanish-speaking women
Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kansas, offers programs for Spanish-speaking women: Salud Creacion, con Shawnee Mission Medical Center, los martes, 12 de junio, 10-11:30 a.m.; Clase de Nutricion – cada tercer Jueves del Mes. Jueves, 14 de junio , 10-11:30 a.m. Grupo de salud emocional para la mujer, ofrecido por MOCSA, contacte a Sinead McDonough, llame al 816-285-1349, los martes, 1-2:30 p.m. For more information and registration, call 913-906-8990.

Program focuses on historical Hispanic culture
Dr. Genovevo Chavez, a historian who has studied Hispanic culture, will be the featured presenter in a program that will focus on the Mexican fiesta at 2 p.m. Sunday, June 10, at the George Meyn Community Center in Wyandotte County Park, Bonner Springs. Rose Marie’s Fiesta Mexicana dancers also will perform. Refreshments will be served.

Retirement reception planned for Dr. Lane
A retirement reception is planned for Dr. Cynthia Lane, superintendent of the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools, from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Sunday, June 10, at the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools Central Office, 2010 N. 59th St. The reception is casual. Guests may come and go. The reception is open to school district staff and the community.

Red Cross blood drive scheduled June 11
Earp Distribution, 2730 S. 98th St., Edwardsville, Kansas, will hold a Red Cross blood drive from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday, June 11. For more information, visit

Growth group offered Mondays
“Affirmations and Living Free Growth Group” for women is offered from noon to 1:30 p.m. each Monday, including June 11, at the Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. The group helps people change the way they think about themselves and their lives. The curriculum is from “Women for Sobriety.”

Special KCK school board meeting planned June 11
A special meeting of the Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education is scheduled at 5 p.m. Monday, June 11, at the McAnany law office, 10 E. Cambridge Circle Drive, Suite 300, Kansas City, Kansas. The board plans to interview superintendent candidates in a closed session.

Magic show planned
A magic show with Reggie Reg the Magic Man is planned for 6 to 7 p.m. June 11 at the South Branch Library, 3104 Strong Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. the show is for children of all ages.

Farmer’s market planned
The KCK Farmer’s Market is planned from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, June 12, in front of Catholic Charities, 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. On Wednesdays the Farmer’s Market is located behind the Health Department at 6th and Tauromee, and Thursdays it is at Kansas City Kansas Community College, 7250 State Ave., at Campus Boulevard and Argentine Lane.

Heat stroke prevention program offered
A program on heat stroke prevention will be presented from 1 to 2 p.m. Tuesday, June 12, at the Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. Dr. Alex Kieu will share information and answer questions to help participants care for themselves and others. The program is offered in partnership with Mercy and Truth. For reservations, call 913-906-8990.

KCK school board to meet June 12
The Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education plans to meet at 4 p.m. Tuesday, June 12, at the Central Office, 59th and Parallel Parkway, Kansas City, Kansas. An agenda is posted at

Book club to meet June 12
The Monthly Book Club will meet from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 12, at the Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. The book for June is “Hidden Girl” by Shyima Hall. The group is facilitated by Theresa Bysel. Call the Keeler Center at 913-906-8990 to check availability of books for participants.

Grinter Jamboree to be June 12
The Grinter Jamboree will be held at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 12, at the Grinter Barn, 1400 S. 78th St., Kansas City, Kansas. The MP3 Band is scheduled to perform. Admission will be $5 per person.

Scholarship golf tournament to be held June 13
The Kansas City, Kansas, School Foundation for Excellence will hold the 28th annual Scholarship Golf Tournament on Wednesday, June 13, at the Sunflower Hills Golf Course, 122nd and Riverview Avenue, Bonner Springs. Proceeds will benefit high school seniors and the district’s literacy program. For more information, visit

Card-making class offered
A card-making class is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 13, at the Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. Carole Thrasher is the leader of the group. The supplies are provided. Space is limited. Reservations are required to 913-906-8990.

Mayor scheduled to speak at Women’s Chamber meeting June 13
Mayor David Alvey is scheduled to be the guest speaker from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. June 13 at a meeting of the Kansas City, Kansas, Women’s Chamber of Commerce at the Children’s Campus, 444 Minnesota Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. The cost of the luncheon meeting is $20 for members and $25 for nonmembers. To register for the meeting, visit For more information, call 913-233-3305.

Hula dancers scheduled June 13 at Turner Library
Hula Hale O’Kiakahi Hula Dancers are scheduled from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 13, at the Turner Community Library, in the gymnasium, 831 S. 55th St., Kansas City, Kansas. The program is for all ages. Registration is required to 913-295-8250 or to To see other library programs, visit

Spa care for dads offered
A class, “Spa Care for Dads,” will be offered from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Thursday, June 14, at the Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., Kansas City, Kansas. For information, call 913-906-8990.

Fairfax group to meet June 14
The Fairfax Industrial Association will meet from 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, June 14, at BlackJack Tire Supplies, 3260 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas. The guest speakers will be Danica Rome of the Wyandotte Edonomic Development Council and Keely Schneider of Workforce Partnership. They will speak about Workforce Solutions and Fairfax Workforce Connection. The sponsor of the meeting is EJ’s Urban Eatery. The cost of the luncheon is $25. Registration is required by 3 p.m. June 12 to

UG Ethics Commission to meet
The Unified Government Ethics Commission will meet at 4 p.m. Thursday, June 14, at the second floor, Wyandotte County Courthouse, Division 18, old county commissioners’ chambers, 710 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

KCK school board to hold special meeting June 14
The Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education will meet at 5 p.m. Thursday, June 14, at the McAnany law offices at 10 E. Cambridge Circle, Suite 300, Kansas City, Kansas. The board plans to conduct regular business, and plans to meet in a closed session to interview superintendent candidates. For more information see

Author to speak at Bonner historic society meeting
Adrian Zink, author of “Hidden History of Kansas,” will appear at the 7 p.m. Thursday, June 14, meeting of the Bonner Springs Historic Preservation Society at the Alden-Harrington Family Event Center, 218 Oak St., Bonner Springs, Kansas. He will give a reading and sign books. The program is free and open to the public. For more information, call 913-441-2665.

UG Commission to meet June 14
The Unified Government Commission is expected to meet at 7 p.m. Thursday, June 14, at the Commission Chambers, lobby level, City Hall, 701 N. 7th St., Kansas City, Kansas. An agenda may be posted online at

Free concert by the City Band in Bonner Springs
A free concert will be presented from 8:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. Thursday, June 14, by the City Band at Kelly Murphy Park, 2nd and Elm streets, Bonner Springs, Kansas. The event includes an ice cream social. Bring a lawn chair. Other concert dates include Thursday nights in June and July. For more information, visit

Concert planned June 15
Primus is scheduled to appear at 7 p.m. Friday, June 15, at Providence Medical Center Amphitheater, 633 N. 130th, Bonner Springs, Kansas. For more information, visit

Democrats to meet Saturday
State Reps. Tom Burroughs, D-33rd Dist., and Louis Ruiz, D-31st Dist., are guest speakers at the Wyandotte County Third Saturday Democratic Breakfast meeting on Saturday, June 16. Also speaking briefly will be Democratic candidates for the Wyandotte County District Court judge position. The meeting begins with a buffet at 8:15 a.m. and the program follows at 9 a.m. at Las Islas Marias, 7516 State Ave. The buffet cost is $10 per person, with a $6 charge for students and those on limited incomes. Those interested in attending are asked to make reservations by Friday, June 15, to [email protected]. While reservations are encouraged, they are not required. It is not necessary to purchase a breakfast to attend the program. Those who require special needs should mention it in the reservation.

Central Avenue market open June 16
La Placita Central Avenue market will be open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Bethany Park, North 12th and Central Avenue, Kansas City, Kansas. The event will include food vendors, music and activities. The market also is scheduled to be open June 30.

Frank Mason III charity softball game to be at T-Bones Stadium
Former University of Kansas basketball standout Frank Mason III will hold a charity softball game Saturday afternoon to benefit Children’s Mercy Kansas City and the National Youth Foundation. Mason will be joined by KU Head Basketball Coach Bill Self and a number of former Jayhawks and NBA players including Devonte Graham, Josh Jackson, and Sherron Collins as well Kansas City Chiefs running back Kareem Hunt. The game will be an interactive experience between players and attendees. Fans will be entertained by in-game promotions and giveaways all seven innings. Mason was the 2016-17 Consensus National Player of the Year and currently plays for the Sacramento Kings in the NBA. Gates open at 1 p.m. Saturday at T-Bones Stadium, with a home run derby at 2 p.m. and first pitch at 3 p.m.

KCK school board to hold listening tour June 16
The Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education will hold a listening tour for the community, the district’s staff, parents and students from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, June 16, at the Central Office and Training Center, board room, 2010 N. 59th St., Kansas City, Kansas. According to a news release from the school district, the purpose of the listening tour is for the staff, parents, students and community to share what is important to them and their families regarding the Kansas City, Kansas, Public Schools. The school board members will have the chance to hear first-hand from patrons and the community, which will help them set board priorities in the future. Those attending also will have the opportunity to meet the school board.

Forum for Democratic governor candidates to be June 16
A forum for Democratic governor candidates will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 16, at Kansas City Kansas Community College, Jewell Building, upper level, 7250 State Ave. Doors will open at 1:30 p.m. The forum is sponsored by the KCKCC College Democrats and the Wyandotte County Democratic Party.

Blood drive scheduled
A Community Blood Center blood drive is scheduled from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. June 20 and 21 at the University of Kansas, Hixoson Atrium, 3901 Rainbow Blvd., Kansas City, Kansas.

The KCK Street Blues Fest to be held Saturday, June 23
The Kansas City, Kansas, Street Blues Festival will be held Saturday, June 23, at Lavender’s Circle L Ranch, 3924 N. 49th Drive, Kansas City, Kansas, which is north of Leavenworth Road. The event runs from 2 to 11 p.m. Musicians who are scheduled to appear include Ernest James Zydeco, Danny Cox, Joe Miquelon, Norm Liggins and Danita “Little Red” Oliver, Jason Vivone, Jaisson Taylor Group, D.C. Bellamy, 51% Blues Band, Mark and Sue Corbett, Allen Locke and Shannon Basham, Eugene Smiley Blues Band and special guest Millage Gilbert. For more information, visit

Open Mic night planned June 29
Open Mic night is planned from 6 to 7 p.m. Friday, June 29, at the Third Space Coffee, 226 Oak St., Bonner Springs, Kansas. The event is sponsored by the Bonner Springs Arts Alliance Wordslingers Writing Group. Persons will sign up to read original writing, with 3 minutes available per piece. Refreshments will be for sale.

Spiritual direction available
The Keeler Women’s Center, 2220 Central Ave., is offering spiritual direction by appointment. One hour, once a month, may be scheduled at the convenience of the director and directee. Those interested in spiritual direction by call the Keeler Women’s Center at 913-906-8990 to talk to one of the sisters about scheduling an appointment. The Keeler Center is a ministry of the Benedictine Sisters.

Wyandotte County Museum
For information about the Wyandotte County Museum, 631 N. 126th St., Bonner Springs, call 913-573-5002 or visit

Strawberry Hill Museum
For information about The Strawberry Hill Museum, 720 N. 4th St., Kansas City, Kansas, call 913-371-3264 or visit

Grinter Place Museum
The Grinter Place State Historic Site, 1420 S. 78th St., Kansas City, Kan., is one of the oldest homes in the area, built in 1857. For more information about hours and days it is open, call 913-299-0373 or visit

Old Quindaro Museum
The Old Quindaro Museum is at 3432 N. 29th St., Kansas City, Kan. For more information about the museum, call 816-820-3615 or visit

Sporting KC visits Portland tonight

A pair of streaking Western Conference sides square off Saturday night as first-place Sporting Kansas City (8-2-4, 28 points) travels to face the fifth-place Portland Timbers (6-3-3, 21 points) at Providence Park in Portland, Oregon.

Kickoff is set for 9:30 p.m. with three hours of live coverage beginning at 9 p.m. on FOX Sports Kansas City, FOX Sports Midwest Plus and FOX Sports GO. Radio broadcasts will air live on Sports Radio 810 WHB (English) and ESPN Deportes KC 1480 AM (Spanish), while the Sporting KC Uphoria app will provide instant updates.

Saturday’s clash features two teams who have caught fire over the last several weeks.

Portland endured a turbulent start to the 2018 campaign, going 0-3-2 out of the gates, but first-year head coach Giovanni Savarese has his team surging into the early summer with wins in seven of their last eight games across all competitions since mid-April.

The Timbers will be three days removed from a 2-0 home defeat of the San Jose Earthquakes in the Lamar Hunt U.S. Open Cup Fourth Round, which featured a reshuffled lineup with many of Portland’s regular starters rested.

Sporting KC, meanwhile, is riding a six-game unbeaten run since falling 1-0 to the New England Revolution on April 28.

That includes Wednesday’s comprehensive 2-0 Open Cup win at Real Salt Lake, a game that saw forwards Johnny Russell and Kharlton Belmar assist each other’s second-half goals.

Manager Peter Vermes fielded four homegrown payers for the first time in club history on Wednesday, notably giving 16-year-old Gianluca Busio his debut to become Sporting KC’s youngest player to feature in a competitive match.

Seven points behind Sporting KC in the standings but with two games in hand, Portland drew the LA Galaxy 1-1 last Saturday in a result that snapped the team’s franchise-record 10-game regular-season home winning streak at Providence Park. This torrid 10-game run spanned back to August 2017 and saw the Timbers outscore opponents 25-6 while posting five clean sheets.

Despite Portland’s rampant home form, Sporting KC has fared well on its recent visits to Providence Park. Vermes’ men have gone 4-2-1 in their last seven regular season visits to Portland, including shutouts in four of their last five games at the stadium. Sporting KC is 4-1-2 in its last seven regular season meetings with the Timbers, counting a 1-1 home draw and a 1-0 away win in 2017.

Prior to sweeping aside RSL in the Open Cup, Sporting KC cruised to a 4-1 victory over Minnesota United FC last Sunday at Children’s Mercy Park. Homegrown midfielder Wan Kuzain Wan Kamal opened his MLS scoring account to go with strikes from Daniel Salloi, Cristian Lobato and Diego Rubio in a wire-to-wire performance. Entering Week 15 of the MLS campaign, Sporting KC leads all Western Conference clubs in wins (eight), goals (28), goal difference (plus-14) and fewest goals allowed (14).

On the Portland sideline, reigning MLS MVP Diego Valeri has again led the way with six goals and three assists this season. Recent offensive production has come from a first-year MLS player, however, as forward Samuel Armenteros – who struck twice in Portland’s 3-2 preseason win over Sporting KC on Feb. 24 – has bagged three goals in as many matches.

Elsewhere, veteran midfielder Diego Chara will be sidelined Saturday while serving a one-game suspension for yellow card accumulation. Portland is 0-11-6 in its last 17 matches without Chara in the lineup.

Saturday’s stern test will be further complicated by the fact that Sporting KC has six players on its injury report. Forward Khiry Shelton is listed as questionable as he continues to recover from a thigh ailment, while Yohan Croizet (hamstring), Brad Evans (thigh), Felipe Gutierrez (hernia), Jimmy Medranda (knee) and Seth Sinovic (hamstring) are all ruled out.

The Timbers aren’t without their own injury concerns either. Influential defenders Alvas Powell and Liam Ridgewell are questionable with thigh injuries, as is goalkeeper Jake Gleeson with a back ailment.

– Story from Sporting KC