Presentation planned on native plant gardens

A gardening presentation by Lenora Larson has been postponed because of the possibility of freezing rain on Thursday, Jan. 11.

“Go Native! Using Native Plants in the Landscape” has been rescheduled for 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Jan. 18, in the Sunflower Room, Wyandotte County Extension Office, 1208 N. 79th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

Larson is a Marais des Cynges Extension Master Gardener. The program on Jan. 18 is sponsored by the Wyandotte County Extension Master Gardeners.

Those attending may bring their lunch. The fee for the program is $5. There is no fee for active certified Extension Master Gardeners. Registration is not required. For more information, call 913-299-9300.

Holiday schedules in Wyandotte County

Many offices will be closed on Monday, Dec. 25, for the Christmas holiday.

UG and Board of Public Utilities offices will be closed on Monday, Dec. 25, to observe Christmas Day.

Emergency service from the BPU will continue seven days a week, and customers with power emergencies may call 913-573-9522. The water emergency number is 913-573-9622 from 8 a.m. to midnight on weekdays, and 913-573-9522 from midnight to 8 a.m., and during weekends and holidays.

Monday, Dec. 25, will be a holiday for Deffenbaugh collection of residential trash and curbside recycling. Residential customers’ trash pickup and recycling will be moved back one day next week, with Monday trash collections taking place on Tuesday, and other customers one day later than their usual day.

Monday, Dec. 25, also is a federal and state holiday, as well as a postal holiday. Post offices nationally will be closed on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, and also Christmas Day, Dec. 25. Priority Mail Express will be delivered on Sunday and Monday, but not regular mail. For more information visit

The Wyandotte County Recycling and Yard Waste Center, 3241 Park Drive, will be closed on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, to celebrate the holidays. The center will be open from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 23.

The Kansas City, Kansas, Public Libraries and branches will be closed Sunday, Dec. 24, through Tuesday Dec. 26, for the winter holidays.

Kansas Lottery offers special flash sale today and Saturday on holiday raffle

The Kansas Lottery is offering a special flash sale Friday, Dec. 22, through 8:59 p.m. Dec. 23, for its Holiday Millionaire Raffle ticket.

Anyone who buys the $20 raffle ticket those two days will receive a $5 Lotto America ticket at no additional cost.

As of earlier today, about 31,339 raffle tickets were still available for purchase, according to the lottery’s webpage. Sales will end when all 200,000 tickets are purchased, or at 1:59 a.m. Jan. 3, whichever comes first, according to a lottery spokesman. The millionaire raffle lottery announcement will be at 11:56 a.m. Jan. 3.

Other lottery jackpots currently are up. Powerball’s jackpot is $300 million for Saturday. Mega Millions has a $253 million jackpot.

For more information, visit