No election outcomes change with addition of mailed-in ballots

An extra 170 mailed-in votes were counted today in Wyandotte County, and did not change any of the outcomes in the Tuesday night primary.

One contest remained extremely close, according to the new figures posted on the election commissioner’s website.

Two challengers in the Board of Public Utilities, at large position 1 contest, Bryan Messmer and Kevin Braun, were within 14 votes of each other. Messmer took second in the contest and moves on to the general election with 2,034 votes to Braun’s 2.020 votes. Incumbent Mary Gonzales received 49.2 percent of the vote with 5,806 votes.

The state law had changed this year to allow mailed-in ballots to be postmarked by 7 p.m. election night, and these ballots were counted on Friday. The vote totals will remain unofficial until Monday, when provisional ballots are considered and the election is certified.

The new unofficial vote totals:

Primary election results, unofficial final results
With 13,654 votes cast, 17.7 percent of registered voters
All precincts are in

UG Mayor- Chief Executive Officer
David Alvey, 4,293 votes, 31.59 percent
David Haley, 2,511 votes, 18.48 percent
Mark R. Holland, incumbent 5,460 votes, 40.18 percent
D. Keith Jordan, 322 votes, 2.37 percent
Janice Grant Witt, 1,004 votes, 7.39 percent

UG Commissioner, 5th District
John T. Fotovich, 443 votes, 11.26 percent
Mike Kane, incumbent, 2,303 votes, 58.51 percent
Sarah Kremer, 1,190 votes, 30.23 percent

UG Commissioner, 7th District
George Cooper, 457 votes, 27.92 percent
Jim A. Gibson, 417 votes, 25.47 percent
Jim Walters, incumbent 763 votes, 46.61 percent

UG Commissioner, 8th District
Brad Isnard, 282 votes, 14.77 percent
Kendon McClaine, 568 votes, 29.75 percent
Jane W. Philbrook, incumbent, 1,059 votes, 55.47 percent

Donald Ash, incumbent 6,573 votes, 50.09 percent
Charles W. Bunnell, 679 votes, 5.17 percent
Marvin L. Main, 1,239 votes, 9.44 percent
Celisha Towers, 2,857 votes, 21.77 percent
Victor Webb, 1,774 votes, 13.52 percent

BPU member, position 1, at-large
Kevin Braun, 2,020 votes, 17.13 percent
Mary Gonzales, incumbent, 5,806 votes, 49.25 percent
Bryan Messmer, 2,034 votes, 17.25 percent
Nikole C. Owens, 1,930 votes, 16.37 percent

KCKCC Foundation taking applications for scholarships

The KCKCC Foundation is currently taking applications for scholarships.

The application process is now open for students applying for spring 2018 scholarships. The process is competitive, and not all who apply will receive funding.

To start the process, download and complete a KCKCC Foundation Scholarship Application found on the foundation’s website at The completed application and all documents must be in the foundation’s email inbox ([email protected]) or in Room 3500 by 5 p.m. Oct. 2. The application will be removed from the website Oct. 3.

Students cannot receive a scholarship if they do not apply. Go to to find the scholarship application, scholarship criteria and further instructions.

For more information, contact the KCKCC Foundation Office at 913-288-7369.

Students are asked to carefully read all of the scholarship criteria, as some have specific requirements and guidelines that must be met. All applications are date stamped upon receipt in the foundation office. Students should submit applications early, so there is time to contact the student if additional information is needed.

– Story from Kelly Rogge, KCKCC