KCK Board of Education to meet today

The Kansas City, Kansas, Board of Education is scheduled to meet at 5 p.m. Tuesday, June 13, at the third floor board room in the Central Office and Training Center, 2010 N.59th St., Kansas City, Kansas.

The board is expected to vote on a policy concerning purchasing authority. The policy states that contracts above $20,000 will be placed on the agenda for approval.

Some of the contracts on the June 13 agenda include contracts for special education services, legal services, substitute teachers, copier lease, and other items.

The board also is expected to discuss the Kansas Education Accreditation System.

An agenda is posted online at www.kckps.org.

KCK student awarded scholarship to attend Missouri State University

Kristen Brown, a Kansas City, Kansas, student, recently was awarded scholarships to attend Missouri State University, Springfield, Mo.

Brown was awarded an MSU Kauffman Scholarship and a Midwest Student Exchange Program fee waiver.

The students were selected from those who applied based on the ACT (American College Test) scores, their grade point average, their standing in the graduating class, and leadership shown in community and school activities.

KCK student initiated into Phi Kappa Phi at Emporia State

Hannah Baughman, Kansas City, Kansas, was initiated into the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, a collegiate honor society, recently at Emporia State University.

Membership is by invitation only and requires nomination and approval by a chapter. Only the top 10 percent of seniors and 7.5 percent of juniors are eligible for membership. Graduate students in the top 10 percent of the number of candidates for graduate degrees also may qualify, along with faculty, professional staff and alumni.