Dear editor,
I was not born in Kansas, but have chosen to live here for more than a decade because of the good people and quality of life.
Unfortunately, I see some disturbing trends in my adopted state. Thanks largely to a misguided crusade against income taxes, the state now comes up millions of dollars short in revenue each month. Both Moody’s and Standard and Poor have downgraded the state’s credit rating.
However, my greatest concern is an erosion in the quality of education. School districts are financially strapped, leaning heavily on local property taxes and new fees to make ends meet. Parents I know say their children’s classroom sizes have grown considerably. And, school districts are now allowed to hire people without an education degree to teach certain subjects. This is not right.
Historically, education has been a high priority in Kansas, and that must never change. This shared value transcends our differences and makes our state stronger.
Kansas needs a new direction, and that is why I am voting for Paul Davis for governor. I ask Kansas voters to cast their ballot and choose candidates who will preserve and restore the quality of education our children deserve.
Marge Gasnick
Kansas City, Kan.
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