School supply drive to benefit Bonner Springs students

Operation School Supplies is collecting school supplies for the Bonner Springs-Edwardsville School District.

The goal of the drive is to serve 700 students. In the first year, the drive served 491 students.

The school supply distribution is planned for Saturday, Aug. 2. Donations are requested by Monday, July 21.

The school supplies being collected include pencils, erasers, dry-erase markers, glue sticks, colored markers, earbuds or headphones that are computer compatible and bottles of glue.

Donations are being accepted at the Bonner Springs Library, Vaughn-Trent Community Services and Hidden Treasures, during normal business hours.

The effort is sponsored by the school district, Vaughn-Trent Community Services and local churches and businesses.

Public hearing scheduled on Kansas gun sign regulations

A public hearing on the proposed permanent gun signage regulations has been scheduled for 9 a.m. Sept. 17 in Topeka, Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt said.

The hearing will be in Topeka at the second floor auditorium of Memorial Hall, 120 SW 10th Ave.

Last month, Attorney General Schmidt released his proposed regulations for signage that may be used to restrict the carrying of firearms – open, concealed or both – into buildings, in compliance with a new law passed by the Kansas Legislature earlier this year. Temporary regulations adopting these signage rules were approved by the State Rules and Regulations Board and took effect July 1.

State law requires a 60-day comment period and a public hearing before the regulations become permanent.

The proposed regulations are available at Members of the public may submit comments on the proposed regulations on the website, by email to [email protected] or by mail to Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt, 120 SW 10th Ave., 2nd Floor, Topeka, KS 66612.

Fire victim identified

A woman who died from injuries in a home fire at 1025 Greeley on July 10 has been identified, according to the Kansas City, Kan., Fire Department.

The victim was Carole Young, 53 years old., a spokesman said.

The fire happened around 10 p.m. July 10. It is under investigation.