KCK RBI recognized at Royals game

KCK RBI youth were recognized at Monday’s Royals game at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Mo. (Photo from KCK RBI)

KCK RBI Night was Monday, June 23, at the Royals vs. Dodgers game at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Mo.

The Royals were the host for the youth in Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities programs in Kansas City, Kan.

The kids received complimentary tickets, food and special recognition during the game. A select group of ballplayers watched batting practice from behind the Royals dugout prior to the game.

More than 800 youth attended and 55 got the chance to watch batting practice and meet Royals players. KCK RBI executive director Cle Ross thanked all those who were involved in helping the youth who participate in this program.

KCK RBI youth were recognized at Monday’s Royals game at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Mo. (Photo from KCK RBI)

KCK RBI youth were recognized at Monday’s Royals game at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Mo. (Photo from KCK RBI)

KCK RBI youth were recognized at Monday’s Royals game at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Mo. (Photo from KCK RBI)

KCK RBI youth were recognized at Monday’s Royals game at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Mo. (Photo from KCK RBI)

KCK RBI youth were recognized at Monday’s Royals game at Kauffman Stadium in Kansas City, Mo. (Photo from KCK RBI)

Eighteen permits for single-family homes issued in May

Permits for new single-family home starts in Kansas City, Kan., were down slightly in May, according to Unified Government statistics.

Sixty-nine new single-family home permits were issued from January to May 2014 as compared to 75 from January to May 2013, a slight drop of six. It was a slighter drop than January-April 2014, which was down 26 percent from January-April 2013.

The value of the home permits issued, $12.5 million, was up 6 percent in January to May 2014 as compared to January to May 2013.

According to the Greater Kansas City Home Builders Association May statistics, 15 of the new home permits issued in May were in Kansas City, Kan., while three were in Bonner Springs.

Johnson County, Kan., including 14 cities, had the highest number of single-family building permits issued in May, at 153, according to GKC-HBA statistics. Jackson County, Mo., had the second highest number of new home permits in May, at 69.

According to the GKC-HBA, although the market is continuing to improve, the numbers in the Kansas City metropolitan area were a little short of April’s.

While residential building permits have not yet regained the levels established during the past 35 years, May extended the levels achieved during the past year, a GKC-HBA spokesman stated.

In the metropolitan area, the year-to-date total for 2014 is 1,685 single-family permits, while in May, there were 381 single-family permits in the metropolitan area, according to GKC-HBA statistics. May was a decrease of 60 permits from April, but the year-to-date total is a 4 percent increase over 2013.

Multi-family permits are up by 200 in the metropolitan area for the first five months of the year. Wyandotte County did not record any new multi-family permits in May.

Mosquitoes pose threat this summer

Mosquitoes are on the move again and with them the potentially dangerous diseases they carry.

West Nile, malaria, yellow fever, and St. Louis encephalitis are some of the more common diseases carried by mosquitoes and now a new threat is emerging from a disease found for the first time last year in the Americas in the islands of the Caribbean.

“Chikungunya virus gets its name from outbreaks in East Africa dating back to the 1950’s,” Dr. Lee Norman, chief medical officer with The University of Kansas Hospital, said. “It has nothing to do with chickens, instead the name describes the posture of people who suffer Chikungunya as they stoop from the pain in their joints. Chikungunya sufferers say it feels like a combination of severe flu and severe arthritis.”

Chikungunya virus is a serious illness and Kansas public health officials are studying the disease and the mosquito that carries it to learn more while medical experts like Dr. Norman keep a watchful eye for the symptoms in people who fall sick … especially after traveling to the Caribbean.

Whether traveling or sitting in your backyard, Dr. Norman says to consider wearing light colored, long sleeves and pants when outdoors. If you use DEET products, make sure the strength is 30 percent or less and consider spraying on your clothing as well as skin.

If possible, sit next to a fan as mosquitoes find it difficult to fly and land in a breeze. Last, avoid perfumes and colognes as research shows mosquitos are attracted to different scents.

To see a KU Hospital video about mosquitoes, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VcN_jOrbWqg.

– Story from KU Hospital