The Kansas House of Representatives honored the late Rep. Michael J. Peterson May 2 with a resolution memorializing his life.
His family was present as a resolution was read and approved by the Kansas House and several members of the delegation spoke about Rep. Peterson’s many years of public service and contributions to the community. Many thanks were also expressed to the Peterson family for their support and sacrifice for him to serve the public and his community for so many years.
The resolution was sponsored by Rep. Stan Frownfelter, D-37th Dist., the Wyandotte County legislative delegation chair. Remarks were given by Rep. Frownfelter, Rep. Pam Curtis, and Rep. Kathy Wolfe Moore.
Rep. Louis Ruiz, D-31st Dist., said in remarks in the House Journal, “I want to thank you all for joining us this morning to honor Mike Peterson – legislator, colleague, mentor, friend and most importantly, my pal. When I first filed for office, seeing Mike was like going to a job interview. Mike was respected, revered and mostly after you got to know him, a good friend. With us today are Mike’s wife, Robin; son, Joe; daughters, Anita, Anne and Molly and his grandchildren.”
– Information from Rep. Pam Curtis, D-32nd Dist.