KCK church plans outdoor Easter service in jeans and T-shirts

The New Bethel Church, 745 Walker Ave., Kansas City, Kan., plans an Easter Sunday celebration at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 20.

At 1 p.m., church members will head outdoors in jeans, athletic shoes and T-shirts as the preferred garb to make financial commitments.

The church members are forgoing their Easter finery at 1 p.m. as part of an outdoor service symbolizing their sacrifices for the church. Pastor A. Glenn Brady will lead the service of commitment and Resurrection Celebration, where members will make a financial commitment toward a new worship center and community outreach programs for the area.

Those attending the service will walk to an open field behind the church at 1 p.m. where they will nail their commitments to an 18-foot cross on the grounds where the new church building will be constructed.

The cross will be lifted up to symbolize the sacrifices that will be made by the members of the New Bethel Church to help others and better the community, a church spokesman said.

At the conclusion of the service, those who attend plan to release biodegradable balloons containing special prayer requests.

The church plans to build a new worship center that will seat more than 1,000 persons, a spokesman said. It will also remodel the current sanctuary to make a transition into a family life center to house the food pantry and other outreach initiatives.

Employees of month honored

The Kansas City, Kan., Board of Education honored two employees as Employees of the Month at the April 8 meeting. Honored were Maria Rios, , left, secretary at Wyandotte High School, and Becky Bell, 5th grade teacher leader at White Church Elementary School. (Photo from Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools)

The Kansas City, Kan., Board of Education honored two Employees of the Month at the April 8 board meeting.

Maria Rios, secretary at Wyandotte High School; and Becky Bell, 5th grade teacher leader at White Church Elementary School, were honored.

The nominations:

“We nominate Maria Rios, a member of the Wyandotte High School office staff for employee of the month.  Maria works in the front office at Wyandotte and she is someone who is always there; ready to help when asked, offering to help before asked; and making whoever she is helping feel like her most important customer.  You seldom think about what Maria is responsible for because the work gets done so efficiently and seamlessly.   Drop a copy job into the ‘in box’ (onto a pile of several others), it is done just an hour or two later.  Need a truancy  report for a field trip?  Maria will have it done well before you need it.  But what really distinguishes Maria is her understanding of the idea of customer service.   If you are a parent or a visitor coming into the office, Maria greets you with her smile and a warm ‘How can I help you?’  Building staff and visiting parents often compliment her work and helpfulness.”  Sincerely, Jan Stocstill, principal’s secretary and Rich Zak, teacher

“I would like to nominate Becky Bell for employee of the month for White Church Elementary.  I have had the privilege of working with Becky Bell for the past 14 years, both as a fellow classroom teacher and as a teacher leader.  She is an essential member of our school and does so much for the staff and students at White Church!  Becky has been an educator in USD 500 for 20 years, and I have always been impressed with her willingness to stay on top of the newest research and teaching methods, and how she imparts that knowledge to those around her.   Becky is very friendly and approachable and goes above and beyond to make sure she is available to the staff, no matter what time of day or night.  She is the kind of person who does so much behind the scenes.  Becky Bell is one of the most inspiring people in our district and we are proud to nominate her.”  Sincerely, Emily Dennis, teacher, and Bruce Haber, principal
– Story and photo from Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools

Breakfast: Don’t leave home without it

from Chrishonda Brown

April showers signal spring in the air. But are your children in a fog during the stormy testing season?  Healthy breakfast is a necessity. Breakfast eaters perform better academically and behaviorally. Here’s how to boost the brain with better breakfast.
Embrace eggs. They contain choline, which is vital for memory and concentration. Try French toast for picky eaters. Make with 100 percent whole wheat bread and top with fresh fruit.
Get nutty. Peanuts contain folate, which improves memory and mental processing speed. Enjoy natural peanut butter on an apple or a few nuts on the side.
Skip the sugar. High-sugar foods and white breads result in energy crashes, likely in the middle of a demanding test or class.
Go bananas.  Bananas sharpen focus, mood and memory. Add to whole grain cereal with skim milk.
It’s simple to start your student’s day off with a strong breakfast for success, and don’t forget to eat some yourself!
Chrishonda Brown, who holds a master’s degree in kinesiology, is a guest columnist for Kansas State Research and Extension, Wyandotte County. For more recipes visit www.kidsacookin.ksu.edu/.  Like our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/KSREWyco and follow us on Twitter @WyCoSnapEd.
Brain Booster Breakfast Smoothie
Makes: 1 serving
1 cup nonfat milk
1 ½ tablespoons natural peanut butter
1 frozen banana
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon (optional)
Wash hands and cooking surfaces. Mix all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Pour into glass and serve immediately.
Nutritional information for each serving:  359 calories, 12g total fat, 2g saturated fat, 0g trans fat, 5mg cholesterol, 44g carbohydrates, 5g fiber, 28g sugars, 136mg sodium, 17g protein, 11% Vitamin A, 22% Vitamin C, 32% calcium, 18% iron.