13 measles cases confirmed in KC metro area

Thirteen measles cases have been confirmed in the Kansas City metropolitan area, according to the Mid-America Regional Council.

According to a news release, the cases were reported by metro area health departments, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

In addition, there are two more probable measles cases in the metro area, and the cases are possibly linked to each other.

The health departments have asked those who have been identified as having been exposed to remain at home until it is clear that they do not have the disease, which can take up to three weeks to develop. Health departments are providing them with the needed vaccinations or immune globulin, otherwise known as IG, to help them fight off the potential infection. They are also working with them to provide their food needs, and make sure their jobs are there when they return.

Measles is a highly contagious disease that causes fever, runny nose, cough and rash all over the body, health officials said. Measles can be prevented by the combination vaccine known as MMR, which stands for Measles, Mumps and Rubella. Another vaccine known as MMRV includes those and adds protection against Varicella, otherwise known as chicken pox. MMR is one of the required early childhood vaccinations that have saved countless lives over the years.