12 KCK students to graduate from Emporia State

Twelve students from Kansas City, Kansas, will graduate with degrees from Emporia State University on Saturday, Dec. 16.

The baccalaureate ceremonies will begin at 9:30 a.m. at White Auditorium in Emporia. At 2 p.m., graduate students will be hooded at Albert Taylor Hall in Plumb Hall on the Emporia State campus.

Graduates from this area include:

Katherine Ann Clarice Boyice of Kansas City, Kansas, with a Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree.
Elizabeth Jane Eason of Kansas City, Kansas, with a Master of Science degree in School Psychology.
Erickia Rashondra Grant of Kansas City, Kansas, with a Master of Science degree in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Effective Practitioner Pre-K-12.
Rachel Ann Haynes of Kansas City, Kansas, with a Master of Science degree in Instructional Design and Technology.
Raymond Joseph Horvat of Kansas City, Kansas, Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Music degree in Music with a concentration in Music Education.
Meghan Michelle Rice of Kansas City, Kansas, Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Education degree in Elementary Education.
Dora Isela Sandoval of Kansas City, Kansas, with a Master of Science degree in Special Education with a concentration in Adaptive Special Education.
JaShawn Markeyce Wallace of Kansas City, Kansas, with a Bachelor of Science in Education degree in Social Sciences.
Jeneice Laurette Waters of Kansas City, Kansas, Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Science in Education degree in Elementary Education.
Tyrone T. Weaver of Kansas City, Kansas, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Recreation.
Linelle A Wilson of Kansas City, Kansas, with a Bachelor of Science degree in Communication with a concentration in Relational Communication.
Pamela Renee Wyatt of Kansas City, Kansas, with a Master of Science degree in Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Curriculum Lead Concen/Pre-K-12.

Dennis Mullin, vice chair of the Kansas Board of Regents, will give remarks during both ceremonies. Patrick Martin, professor of art and 2017 Roe R. Cross distinguished professor, will address the undergraduates.

For those unable to attend, both ceremonies will be streamed on the Internet live. The link for the live stream as well as other information can be found online at www.emporia.edu/commencement.