Governor’s budget would increase tax on cigarettes, liquor, propose new school finance formula, continue income tax cuts

Gov. Sam Brownback proposed a budget today that includes an increase in taxes on liquor and cigarettes, while continuing an income tax cut and a 4 percent cut in state agencies funding. Kansas Democrats today released this statement about the proposed budget, from the Democratic leaders office: “At first glance, there are several components of … Continue reading “Governor’s budget would increase tax on cigarettes, liquor, propose new school finance formula, continue income tax cuts”

Governor plans ‘State of State’ speech tonight

Gov. Sam Brownback plans to deliver his “State of the State” speech at 6:30 p.m. tonight. The “State of the State” speech, the 133rd in the state’s history, is given to the House of Representatives in Topeka. The State of the State address will be televised live by KTWU-TV, Channel 11, and KPTS-TV. It will … Continue reading “Governor plans ‘State of State’ speech tonight”