Senate passes school finance bill; measure goes to governor

The Kansas Senate passed a school finance bill Monday that would provide block grants to school districts. The bill changes the school finance formula from a per pupil system to a temporary block grant formula. It passed on a 25-14 vote. Voting against the bill were Sen. Pat Pettey, D-6th Dist., and Sen. David Haley, … Continue reading “Senate passes school finance bill; measure goes to governor”

Governor is balancing budget ‘on backs of Kansas children’

State Sen. Pat Pettey, D-6th Dist., stated today that the announcement from the governor about budget cuts to public schools “proved our children’s future is not a priority.” Sen. Pettey was asked for a reaction to the governor’s announcement. Sen. Pettey, a retired teacher from the Turner Public Schools, stated: “If anyone was still holding … Continue reading “Governor is balancing budget ‘on backs of Kansas children’”

Governor cuts education $44.5 million

Gov. Sam Brownback today announced additional cuts today in the wake of declining income for the state. The governor today announced an additional 2 percent cut to higher education and a 1.5 percent cut to kindergarten through 12th grade education. The cuts total $44.5 million and would be made in the first week of March. … Continue reading “Governor cuts education $44.5 million”