Governor issues executive order on gay marriage

Gov. Sam Brownback today issued an executive order that states any individual clergy leader or any religious organization will not be required to perform a gay marriage. The executive order stated that state government is prohibited from taking any action against individual clergy or religious leaders or any religious organization “that chooses not to participate … Continue reading “Governor issues executive order on gay marriage”

Public school district answers governor’s statement about school finance

In a sort of back-and-forth exchange between the governor and the Kansas City, Kan., school district, spokesmen for both were disputing school finance figures in statements released this weekend. The latest is from the Kansas City, Kan., Public Schools, which issued a statement on Sunday in response to Gov. Sam Brownback’s spokesman’s statements to the … Continue reading “Public school district answers governor’s statement about school finance”

Democrat says governor attempting to ‘balance budget on backs of middle class and working families’

House Democratic Leader Tom Burroughs, D-33rd Dist., said in a statement that the governor’s tax policy plan announced Saturday is “merely a continuation of a problem.” Burroughs’ statement: “The plan the governor has put forth is not a solution, but merely a continuation of a problem. Rather than admitting the root cause of the problem, … Continue reading “Democrat says governor attempting to ‘balance budget on backs of middle class and working families’”